GD bbPress Tools
Enhancing WordPress forums powered by bbPress
Expansions and tools for bbPress plugin powered forums, including WordPress toolbar menu, quotes, signatures, BBCodes, many useful tweaks, and tools.
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Plugin First Released
12 years, 10 months agoBasic Requirements
WordPress Multisite
Individual network websitesVarious forum features and tweaks
The plugin is a collection of various tools and features, tweaks for the bbPress powered forums.

User Signatures
Allow your users to define own ‘signature’ (with HTML and all) that will appear under all their topics and replies.

Extra Topic Views
bbPress supports Topic Views for topics filtering, and GD bbPress Tools adds a few more topics views.

Quote Topic or Reply
A simple way to quote topic or reply content inside a new reply to help with the conversation of the topic.

Toolbar Menu
Add new menu into WordPress toolbar with quick links to forums, views, plugin and bbPress settings and tools.

BBCodes Support
The plugin contains 30 BBCodes (aka shortcodes) based on the phpBB implementation, including basic and advanced BBCodes.

Various Tweaks
The plugin contains various tweaks to modify or disable some of the bbPress core forums features.