Blog Post

New Plugin: BreadcrumbsPress

BreadcrumbsPress is a new, highly configurable plugin for generating and displaying breadcrumbs on the WordPress-powered website. The plugin comes in two editions: Free (via and Pro.

The new plugin is the most comprehensive solution for generating and implementing breadcrumbs for WordPress websites yet, with a wide range of features and settings. The plugin can generate breadcrumbs for any WordPress page type and for additional page types implemented by bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, and various Dev4Press plugins.

The plugin generates breadcrumbs for the currently displayed page, but it has PHP functions and shortcodes, allowing you to generate breadcrumbs for posts, terms, and more and display them where you want them. The plugin is developers-friendly, and it includes functions, actions, and filters that can be used to modify or expand the plugin.

Several example for generated breadcrumbs

The plugin has a wide range of features, but in the core of the plugin is the Generator that can generate breadcrumbs sequence for any WordPress frontend page type (and also supports bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, and more plugins).

Here is a quick overview of plugin features:

  • Full JSON-LD Rich Snippet support ( and Google compatible)
  • Styling settings for font size, padding, and other things
  • Use of SCSS and CSS variables for easier styling
  • Change breadcrumbs separator, including a selection of icons
  • Manual theme templates integration using PHP function
  • Several shortcodes for breadcrumbs integration
  • Automatic theme integration with several supported themes
  • Support for all WordPress page types to generate breadcrumbs
  • Support for various plugins and additional page types
  • Change breadcrumbs visibility for various page types
  • Change path and other parameters to generate breadcrumbs
  • Options to disable default bbPress and WooCommerce breadcrumbs
  • Developers friendly with many filters and actions for better control

And few features exclusive to Pro version:

  • Multi Breadcrumbs support – generate multiple sequences for each post or page
  • Menu Breadcrumbs support – generate breadcrumbs from menu items
  • Various Tweaks for the rendering – hide crumbs and shorten titles for display purposes

The free version is a fully-featured plugin, and sufficient for most use cases. There are several features that are part of the Pro version only, but they are advanced features that most websites don’t need. And, the free version is not going to try to upsell to the Pro version in every possible way, it will simply display a small box on one of the plugin admin pages, and nothing else. To see exactly what the difference is between the two editions, check out the dedicated page here. Also, the Free version first version will be 1.0, and the Pro version will start from version 3.0 to avoid clashes with the versioning and update system.

Plugin dashboard page with information about integration

To get more information about the plugin on Dev4Press and or read the Press Release, make sure to check out the links below.

Let me know what you think about the new plugin, what features you would like to see in future updates, what themes to support for automatic integration, and what plugins to support too.

BreadcrumbsPress is a replacement for GD Crumbs Navigator Pro (that plugin is now retired, you can read more about that here). Everything from the old plugin is present in the new plugin, but BreadcrumbsPress is expanded with many more useful features, and they are completely reorganized. When it comes to compatibility, the new plugin is not compatible with the old one, so if you used the old plugin, there is no migration to the new one; it has to be set up from scratch.

To see the list of all the changes in this version, please check out the changelog. If you find any issues with the new version, please, report them in the support forums.

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BreadcrumbsPress Pro WordPress Plugin
Direct breadcrumbs integration & Block plugin for WordPress

Breadcrumbs based navigation, fully responsive and customizable, supporting post types, all types of archives, 404 pages, search results, and third-party plugins.

About the author

Milan Petrovic
Milan Petrovic

CEO and Lead developer of Dev4Press Web Development company, working with WordPress since 2008, first as a freelancer, later founding own development company. Author of more than 250 plugins and more than 20 themes.

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