15 December 2009
Dev4Press Established
Dev4Press was established on December 15, 2009. The website started with 3 premium plugins: GD Press Tools Pro, GD Simple Widgets Pro, and GD Taxonomies Tools Pro. It also included Pro support for the GD Star Rating plugin.
11 January 2010
Centralized Dev4Press Store
Dev4Press is now run by the new specially made store plugin that integrates license management, releases and downloads handling, and user accounts.
11 January 2010

GD Affiliate Center Pro
The new plugin is released for adding, managing, and displaying affiliate ads on the website. It was able to manage affiliate sources, add new ads for each one, manage ads by size, track the views and clicks…
5 March 2010

Dev4Press Updater
Dev4Press Updater was made to be used as a centralized install and update plugin for all other Dev4Press plugins (and soon, themes). It was more efficient to have all the update code handled by one plugin, instead of having each plugin handle own updates.
30 March 2010
xScape Theme Framework
xScape was an advanced framework made for WordPress themes with the goal to make themes development easier. In the first few months, several themes were released, built on this framework.
20 August 2010

GD AZON Fusion Pro
New plugin for the integration of Amazon products into WordPress powered website, with the full search of Amazon to find product, add products to the plugin database for display on the website.
25 February 2011

GD Press Tools Pro 4.0
A major update for the all in one administration plugin bringing a lot of new features, including backup, various SEO and security features.
25 May 2011

GD Custom Posts and Taxonomies Tools Pro 3.0
The new version was a massive update that brings support for custom fields and custom metaboxes for adding additional content into posts with a wide range of meta field types.
27 August 2011

GD bbPress Attachments
The first plugin for newly released bbPress 2.0 plugin, and for adding attachments into bbPress forums.
September 10, 2011

GD Products Center Pro
A brand new plugin made for adding products of various product types, with a detailed description, specification and ability to compare product specs.
September 19, 2011
Dev4Press Forum on bbPress 2.0
With the release of stable bbPress 2.0, all the Dev4Press forums have been migrated from old bbPress standalone forums to the new plugin version.
September 19, 2011
GD Pages Navigator 5.0
An old plugin has been rewritten and expanded with new features, with the modernized interface and improved WordPress support.
May 2, 2012

GD bbPress Tools
A second free plugin made for bbPress 2.0, with various tools and features to further expand bbPress powered forums.
17 May 2012
GD bbPress Widgets
A third free plugin made for bbPress 2.0, with various widgets for the bbPress powered forums.
27 May 2012

GD bbPress Toolbox Pro
A first Pro plugin made for bbPress. The initial version included all the features from bbPress free plugins with a few more tools and features added.
2 December 2013
Retired two Plugins
GD Simple Widgets / GD Affiliate Center
Both plugins reached the end of the line, due to very low sales and low interest.
3 December 2013

Dev4Press Website V4
A new website version was launched, including a completely new licensing system. The website was running the latest xScape based theme called Xposed.
15 April 2014

GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 3.0
A major update that features a completely new plugin interface that will be used for all future Dev4Press plugins. The plugin included many more new features as well.
8 August 2014

Retired: GD Star Rating
One of the hardest decisions ever made was to retire the GD Star Rating plugin. After a few attempts to made the 2.0 version, a lot of issues with plugin security, architecture, and expandability, the plugin was retired.
8 August 2014
Retired Two More Plugins
GD aZon FUSION / GD bbPress Widgets
Both plugins reached the end of the line, due to very low sales and low interest.
18 November 2014

GD Clever Widgets Pro
The plugin to replace retired GD Simple Widgets Pro included 8 widgets in the first release and introduced a brand new interface that all other Dev4Press plugins will use for widgets.
6 January 2015

GD WebFonts Toolbox Pro
New premium plugin for adding web fonts into the website, with support for Google Fonts, powerful customization, and integration into the editor.
2 Jul 2015

Dev4Press Website V5
A most significant change to the website was the fifth version, and it brings complete reorganization of the website, new theme, new features and a lot of other great things.
3 Jul 2015

GD Knowledge Base Pro
GD Knowledge Base Pro is the most powerful knowledge base plugin for WordPress with templates system, integration into bbPress, articles and FAQ, live search, and more.
3 Jul 2015

Dev4Press Updater 3.0
Version 3.0 brings much better integration into WordPress and the existing update screen, making the update process easier.
12 November 2015
GD SEO Toolbox Pro
This plugin started the process of breaking GD Press Tools Pro into three separate plugins, and this one included all the SEO related features from GD Press Tools Pro and more.
25 December 2015

GD Rating System Pro and Free
After more than a year in development, the new rating plugin was released, with addons based architecture, a lot of powerful features, much easier to customize and integrate.
3 January 2016
Dev4Press moved to SiteGround
In December of 2015, we experienced prolonged downtime due to the issues with ASmallOrange hosting, and on January 3, 2016, Dev4Press has moved to a new cloud server on SiteGround.
13 March 2016

GD Press Tools Pro 5.0
GD Press Tools Pro spent a lot of time in limbo, stuck on version 4. It had an old interface and structure, and it took a while to rewrite it and modernize it, and at the same time bring many new features.
19 March 2016

GD Security Toolbox Pro
Old GD Press Tools Pro was essentially split into 3 plugins, and the third one was dedicated to the website security.
21 September 2016

GD Content Tools Pro
Old GD Custom Posts and Taxonomies Pro plugin has been replaced by a completely new plugin. A new plugin has all the features of the old one, include the migration tool. The plugin had new and modern meta fields and boxes system with repeater and over 30 field types.
21 October 2016

GD Crumbs Navigator Pro
A brand new plugin for implementing powerful breadcrumbs solution that covers a wide range of third-party plugins, advanced breadcrumbs generator, rich snippets supports and more.
13 November 2016
Retired all Themes
Another hard decision, but the themes market is very saturated, and Dev4Press themes never reached a lot of interest, to begin with. Dev4Press website will continue to use xScape2 based theme.
13 November 2016

Dev4Press Website V6
Another major update for the Dev4Press website, now based on the new xScape2 theme with a lot more improvements and changes.
2 February 2017
Addons for GD Rating System Pro
GD Rating System Pro was envisioned as a modular system, and now it has received first addons. Addons are made to work with the Pro version only.
21 February 2017

GD Topic Prefix for bbPress
A new plugin, made for bbPress, for adding prefixes to each topic and to allow for filtering and generally easier way to find topics in a forum, or across all forums.
20 April 2017

GD Topic Polls Pro for bbPress
Yet another bbPress plugin, this time for implementing polls with topics, and with a wide range of options to control poll responses, how long the poll is open and more.
17 May 2017
Switched from SVN to Git
For years, all the Dev4Press plugins were using SVN for version control. Finally, in May of 2017, all repositories were migrated to Git, powered by the Amazon AWS CodeCommit.
30 June 2017

GD Knowledge Base Pro 3.0
A major update to the knowledge base plugin included a new templates system based on theme compatibility approach and support for all WordPress themes. And, it had analytics, new shortcodes, new content types and much more.
1 August 2017
Retired: GD Products Center Pro
This was the last of the plugins based on the old interface, very complicated and falling behind. With very low interest for the plugin, and the need for months of development to rewrite it, the decision was made to retire it, with the possibility to resurrect it in the future.
8 November 2017

GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 5.0
A huge update for the very popular GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin, bringing many new features, including the much-requested Setup Wizard.
25 December 2017

GD Rating System Pro 3.0
Another major update to the rating plugin, this time bringing a new rating method based on the slider control.
21 June 2018

GD SEO Toolbox Pro 3.0
After a long while, GD SEO Toolbox has gotten a major update that included many new features and improved interface.
9 August 2018

New Website: bbPress Help Club
bbHelp Club is a website dedicated to providing free support for bbPress plugin and forums.
2 October 2018

GD Power Search Pro for bbPress
Plugin number 4 for bbPress, implements advanced/power search for bbPress powered forums, including various filters, results highlight and more.
24 October 2018

Dev4Press Website V7
Version 7, is the biggest update Dev4Press has ever received affecting support website, user profile, plugin pages and more. And it also introduced a new licensing system.
7 March 2019

GD Quantum Theme Pro for bbPress
A unique plugin for WordPress and bbPress, replacing all the default bbPress templates with modern-looking templates and styling, fully responsive and designed based on the flex grid system.
28 March 2019

GD Security Headers (Free Plugin)
A brand new free plugin for adding various security headers into WordPress, including powerful Content Security Policy header. And, it can log policy breach reports.
3 May 2019

GD Mail Queue (Free Plugin)
GD Mail Queue is a unique plugin for WordPress, bringing the advanced email intercept and modification system with the sending emails using the background queue process.
20 June 2019

GD Mail Queue 4.0 Pro
Soon after the free edition, Pro version brings support for the REST API based email services, addons, various improvements, and new features.
14 October 2019

GD Members Directory Pro for bbPress
The Premium Plugin number 6 for bbPress adds a member’s directory page to bbPress powered forums, listing all forum members.
18 November 2019

GD Quantum Theme Pro 2.0 for bbPress
The major update brings major new features, including new themes, styling customization through customizer and more.
24 February 2020

GD Rating System Pro 4.0
Major update to the rating plugin brings new database organization, tons of performance updates and many new features.
15 March 2020
Dev4Press Library 3.0
Major rewrite for the Dev4Press Library, soon to power more and more of Dev4Press Plugins. For new it is the core of the 3 plugins.
24 April 2020

GD Forum Notices Pro for bbPress
New plugin for bbPress for adding rich content notices anywhere into bbPress forums with a lot of customization options.
14 May 2020

GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 6.0
Major release bringing many new features, improvements and fixes. The biggest update since version 3.0 in 2014.
22 June 2020

GD Forum Manager for bbPress
A free plugin implementing methods for quick and bulk edit of forums and topics from any bbPress frontend page listing forums or topics.
17 September 2020

Brand new free plugin implementing debug panel for WordPress, tracker and many debug related tools.
18 November 2020

Easy to use, free plugin for generating demo data for new WordPress website: users, posts, comments, terms and more.
8 March 2021

GD Topic Prefix Pro 3.0 for bbPress
Support for multiple prefixes for each topic based on the multiple prefix groups for each forum.
14 April 2021

Breadcrumbs based navigation, fully responsive and customizable, supporting post types, all types of archives, 404 pages, search results, and third-party plugins.
3 March 2022

Remove various old, unused or obsolete data from the database, optimize the database for best performance. Schedule cleanup tasks to run automatically. Support for WP-CLI and WP REST API integrations.
23 January 2023

Dev4Press Web Development LLC
New company is registered replacing old Golden Dragon WebStudio under new name of Dev4Press Web Development LLC.
23 January 2023

GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 7.0
Major update with 57 features, over 550 options, new interface and introduction of the new feature called Booster. This is the biggest update of the plugin yet.
10 March 2023

SweepPress Pro 3.5
One year old, SweepPress plugin has seen a lot of updates, with many new features added, new sweepers (total number of 33), improved interface, improved WP-CLI and REST API support and much more.
4 May 2023

coreSocial Pro 1.0
A brand new plugin, first in the line of CORE plugins, created for adding buttons to share content on social media, and link your social media profiles. It has full blocks support.
6 September 2023

coreActivity 1.0
A free plugin for tracking WordPress activity, supporting 120+ events, 10+ third party plugins, made to be expanded by other plugins to add more events and track other activities.
19 December 2023

coreSecurity Pro 1.0
Comprehensive security plugin build around features, and including 20+ features: antispam, firewall, security headers, file scanner, registration and login control and much more.
22 April 2024

SweepPress Pro 5.0
SweepPress now includes advanced management for the WordPress Options, Sitemeta, and all Metadata tables in WordPress.
26 June 2024

coreSecurity Pro 2.0
coreSecurity Pro has reached version 2.0, bringing 5 new, very important features, improvements to many existing plugin features, an updated shared library, several bug fixes, and updates to the included detection dictionary items.