College Outreach Programs

As part of a land-grant institution, and as an educational organization committed to experiential and service learning, the College of Design makes outreach a central component of its mission.
Through the initiatives of the college’s partnering organizations, offices, and those of individual faculty, staff, and students, the College of Design supports programs that contribute to the improvement of community well-being, improve the professional knowledge base, contribute to professional practice experience related to student learning outcomes, or build understanding and demand for professional design and art practice.
PLaCE Program
The Partnering Learning and Community Engagement (PLaCE) program aims to enhance and promote the quality and character of Iowa’s landscapes and communities. The College of Design engages with communities in collaborative efforts to understand, envision and promote a fundamental enhancement of their physical environment.
Iowa State University Extension Community and Economic Development and the College of Design’s Institute for Design Research and Outreach (IDRO) invite Iowa communities and nonprofit organizations to submit applications for project ideas that might provide quality learning experiences for our students, faculty, and staff.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) short courses
The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Geospatial Technology Program offers a series of hands-on short courses in geographic information systems. Courses are held at the Iowa State Extension Community and Economic Development building in the Iowa State Research Park, south of the University campus.
Courses are designed for community planners and other public officials who use GIS computer software. Advanced registration is required, and enrollment is limited to 12 participants per course.
Community Visioning
The Community Visioning Program integrates landscape planning and design with sustainable action to empower community leaders and volunteers in making sound, meaningful decisions about the local landscape.
Community Engagement

A Cyclone in the Making
Find your place at Iowa State University’s College of Design, where we like to ask questions, poke and prod, create something new, and make a difference through design.