May 14, 2020


Name Cultural Keys Phone 18611558781 Email [email protected] Categories Family Friendly , Presentations



The 12 Animals of Chinese Astrology – an online presentation from Cultural Keys

While many educational centres in Beijing are closed, people still have a thirst for learning that needs satisfying! Join Cultural Keys online via Zoom for a fascinating presentation on the Chinese Zodiac!

The Chinese Zodiac is one of the most interesting and easily accessible aspects of traditional Chinese culture. But it’s origins and importance in Chinese culture is not very well known!
This presentation will look at the system’s myths and legends, member animals and their respective characteristics and cultural significance of the Chinese zodiac, both throughout history and in modern times, as well as comparing it to the western Zodiac.
Perfect for anyone with a general interest in Chinese astrology or just history and culture in general!

Chinese Zodiac Online Presentation 

Date: May 14th
Location: Via Zoom; accessible via Zoom mobile app or website; no account required
Start time: 6pm (Beijing time) 11am (London time)
End time: 7:15pm (Beijing time) 12:15pm (London time)
Price: 50RMB  per person or 80RMB for 2 people
Availability: Max. 15 people
Payment: Prepayment required via WeChat, Alipay or PayPal – no account required (if paying with PayPal, please add +5% PayPal transaction fee)

Our online presentations give an introduction to the culture of each topic, followed by language points and a short discussion, all presented in English by one of Cultural Keys’ native-English speaking hosts.

The limit for participation is 15 people per presentation. Twenty-four hours before the presentation, all participants will be emailed the meeting URL and presentation password. After the presentation, all participants will be sent a copy of the presentation for their own reference.

If you have any questions, or to sign up, please scan the QR code on the poster, add AJDonnelly on WeChat, or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, fill in the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


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    About Cultural Keys Chinese Culture Centre

    Cultural Keys Chinese Culture Centre helps people better experience, understand and enjoy traditional culture in China, through content, classes, products and services. From educational tours to team building, whatever you wish to learn about the traditional culture of this fascinating country, Cultural Keys can offer you an in-depth and immersive way to do so.

    Feel free to contact us with any questions, either by email at [email protected] or on WeChat at AJDonnelly

    We look forward to hearing from you soon!