This student member category is for people training to be Psychosexual and Relationship therapists, or in related education.
Annual membership is £110 per year running from 1st January to 31st December. A reduced fee of £88 is available if applicants supply proof they are currently in receipt of income-related benefits. If you join mid-year, membership will be pro-rated for your first year. Monthly instalments are available for those with UK bank accounts.
Members within this category benefit from:
- All editions of the COSRT “Good Therapy” publication.
- Subscription to the Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy & two other selected journals.
- 15% off Routledge-published books.
- Member-rate ticket price for COSRT Conferences.
- Discounts on COSRT training.
- Access to COSRT Practice Guidelines.
- Access to Member networking events.
More information:
For more details on eligibility and benefits, please see the following information pack:
Application Form (WORD .doc):
To apply for a category of General Membership please complete this form and send it to [email protected].