Professional Standards

We set and maintain professional standards for Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists

All COSRT members must abide by a comprehensive code of ethics and are subject to a rigorous conduct procedure.

A central part of COSRT’s work is to set and monitor professional standards for Psychosexual and Relationship Therapies.  This sees our organisation protect the public from, for example, improper conduct, unfitness and incompetence. 

COSRT holds public registers of Psychosexual and Relationship Therapists.  This is a record of Members who have met COSRTs exacting quality standards, specifically designed for Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy.  And we hold a register of specially trained Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy supervisors plus a listing of all Students on our accredited training courses.

When someone feels any COSRT Member has fallen below expected standards they are able to make a complaint to COSRT for consideration. 

Code of Ethics

All Members must abide by our Code of Ethics

Conduct and Complaints

You can complain about a Member who does not meet expected standards

Public Registers

A Register of professionals that meet rigorous standards. List of students on accredited courses, and a Register of supervisors.