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Spain Content
Conference Series is conducting International Conferences on various critical psychological disorders. The international scientific meetings calendar includes events in USA, UK, China, UAE, Europe and India covering the sociological and psychological problems of society
Conference Series organizes more than 3000+ Global Events. These conferences attract world renowned scientists, students, budding scientists, entrepreneurs, and policy makers. These International meetings were supported by more than 1000 associations all around the world and also include speaker and poster presentations based on topics of recent interest.
Speakers and poster presenters submits their research data in the form of abstracts for inclusion into the scientific program. All abstracts submitted for the scientific conferences are subjected to review and are expected to meet the standards of academic/scientific excellence.
The expert panel has the right to accept or reject the submitted abstracts for the conference and classify them under presentation category basing on the research standards and relevancy to the main theme of the conference. We are also currently engaged in publishing more than 700+ Open Access Journals, with the support of our excellent editorial board members exceeding 1,00,000 in number. We proudly hold more than 10 Million as Readers.
Spain Highlights
Spain is world’s 52nd largest country It is a representative of the United Nations, NATO, OECD, and WTO. At present, the economic situation became the major problem of the Spanish economy.
Spain is a having a large mass of top universities which provide one of the best way to the students to give a boom to their careers. Some of them are Abat Oliba CEU University, Alfonso X University, Antonio de Nebrija University, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Madrid, Camilo Jose Cela University, Catholic University of Avila, CEU San Pablo University, Charles III University of Madrid, Comillas Pontifical University, Complutense University of Madrid, European University of Madrid, Francisco de Vitoria University, IE University, International University of Andalusia, International University of Catalonia, International University of La Rioja, Isabella I of Castile International University(Sp.), James I University, Loyola University Andalusia, Menendez Pelayo International University, Miguel de Cervantes European University, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, National University of Distance Education, Open University of Catalonia, Pablo de Olavide University, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Pompeu Fabra University, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Ramon Llull University, Rey Juan Carlos University, Rovira i Virgili University, Saint Damasus Ecclesiastical University(Sp.), San Jorge University (Sp.), Technical University of Madrid, Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Universidad Publica de Navarra, University of A Coruna, University of Alcala, University of Alicante, University of Almeria, University of Barcelona, University of Burgos, University of Cadiz, University of Cantabria, University of Castile La Mancha, University of Cordoba, University of Deusto, University of Extremadura, University of Girona, University of Granada, University of Huelva, University of Jaen, University of La Laguna, University of La Rioja, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, University of Leon, University of Lleida, University of Malaga, University of Mondragon, University of Murcia, University of Navarre, University of Oviedo, University of Salamanca, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Seville, University of the Balearic Islands, University of the Basque Country, University of Valencia, University of Valladolid, University of Vic, University of Vigo, University of Zaragoza, Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr, Valencian International University.
In Spain there are some associations includes Spanish Medical Association, European society for medical oncology, Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Spanish Society of Health Informatics. AGEDI Asociacion De Gestion De Derechos Intelectuales, AIE Sociedad de Artistas Interpretes o Ejecutantes de Espana, AISGE Artistas Interpretes Sociedad de Gestion, CEDRO Centro Espanol de Derechos Reprograficos, DAMA Derechos de Autor de Medios Audiovisuales, EGEDA Entidad de Gestion de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales, Motion Picture Licensing Company Spain, SGAE Sociedad General de Autores y Editores.
In Spain there are 50000 Industries running among which the major firms includes Abengoa (ABG), Abertis Infraestructuras (ABE), Acciona (ANA), Acerinox (ACX), ACS, Actividades de Construccion y Servicios (ACS), Amadeus IT Group (AMS), Ebro Foods (EBRO), Endesa (ELE), Enagas (ENG), Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC), Ferrovial (FER), Gamesa (GAM), Gas Natural Fenosa (GAS), Grifols (GRF), International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG), Iberdrola (IBE), Indra Sistemas (IDR), Inditex (ITX), MAPFRE (MAP), Red Electrica de Espana (REE), Repsol YPF (REP), Sacyr Vallehermoso (SYV), Telefonica (TEF), Mediaset Espana (TL5), Tecnicas Reunidas (TRE).