Veterans Cemetery Grants Program
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Cemetery Grants Program was established in 1978 to complement VA's national cemeteries. The program assists states, territories, and tribal governments in providing gravesites for Veterans in those areas where NCA cannot fully satisfy their burial needs.
VA has awarded grants totaling $992 million to establish, expand, improve, operate and maintain 122 Veterans cemeteries in 49 states and territories including tribal trust lands, Guam, Saipan, and Puerto Rico. In fiscal year 2024, VA grant-funded Veterans cemeteries provided more than 43,000 interments.
Grants may be used only to establish, expand or improve Veterans cemeteries that are owned and operated by a state, territory or tribal government on trust land. Aid is granted only to states, U.S. territories and federally recognized tribal governments, not to private organizations, counties, cities or other government agencies.
VA can provide up to 100 percent of the development cost for an approved project. For establishment of new cemeteries, VA can provide for operating equipment as well. VA cannot pay for acquisition of land.
Cemeteries funded under the grant program must conform to the standards and guidelines pertaining to site selection, planning and construction prescribed by VA.
Cemeteries must be operated solely for the interment of Veterans (as defined in 38 CFR part 39.2), and their eligible family members (see 38 CFR part 39.10).
The administration, operation, and maintenance of a VA-supported state cemetery is solely the responsibility of the state, territory or tribal government.
VA is authorized to pay a "plot allowance" of $978 to a state, territory or tribal government for expenses incurred in the burial of an eligible Veteran without charge. The program is administered by the Veterans Benefits Administration.
Grants Program (VCGP)
Veterans Cemetery
Establishing a State or
Tribal Veterans Cemetery
Grant Requirements
VCGP Grant Info Kit
VCGP Planning Model
VCGP Forms
VCGP Documents
FY 2025 Priority List of State and Tribal Government Cemetery Construction Grant Pre-Applications
Instructions for Submitting a Conforming Preapplication for a Veterans Cemetery Grant Opportunity
VCGP Submission Requirement Post Master Plan and Project Close-Out

National Cemetery Administration
Attn: General Inquiries
810 Vermont Ave
Washington, DC 20420
MyVA411 main information line: