Image IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

COP 16 has fulfilled its promise to the world

On 27 February 2025 COP 16 concluded in Rome with the successful completion of its resumed session. The outcomes of the resumed session completed what the Parties achieved in Cali, Colombia, before COP 16 was suspended on 2 November 2024 for lack of quorum.

Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reached agreements on biodiversity finance, the Planning, Monitoring, Reporting and Review (PMRR) mechanism, and the full set of indicators that will be used to measure global and national progress towards the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), which was adopted at COP 15 in 2022. 

“These days of work in Rome have demonstrated the commitment of the Parties to advance the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework.  The COP 16 presidency recognises the collective effort to reach consensus of key issues that were left pending in Cali” said Susana Muhamad, COP 16 President.  “We appreciate the willingness of all countries and the Secretariat of the Convention for their dedication to continue strengthening the global biodiversity agenda.  Only by working together can we make Peace with Nature a reality.”

“The results of this meeting show that multilateralism works and is the vehicle to build the partnerships needed to protect biodiversity and move us towards Peace with Nature” said Astrid Schomaker, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. “We now have a clear mandate to implement Article 21 and 39.  As we do this and implement the other supporting elements for resource mobilization, the world will have given itself the means to close the biodiversity finance gap.”


From Cali to Rome: highlights from COP 16

In Rome, Parties to the Convention agreed on a way forward on resource mobilization with a view to closing the global biodiversity finance gap and achieving the target of mobilizing at least 200 billion US dollars a year by 2030, including 20 billion a year in international flows by 2025, rising to 30 billion by 2030.  

Parties adopted a Strategy for Resource Mobilization that identifies a broad range of instruments, mechanisms and institutions that could be tapped to mobilise the funds needed for implementation of the ambitious Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.  This includes public finance from national and subnational governments, private and philanthropic resources, multilateral development banks, blended finance, and other novel approaches.    

The agreement reached in Rome also includes the commitment to establish permanent arrangements for the financial mechanism in accordance with Articles 21 and 39 of the Convention while simultaneously working on improving existing financial instruments. This includes a roadmap of the activities and decision-making milestones leading to  COP 19 in 2030.

In Rome, Parties reached agreement finalizing the monitoring framework for the KMGBF that was adopted at
COP 15. The monitoring framework is essential to the implementation of the Framework because it provides the common yardsticks that Parties will use to measure progress against the 23 targets and four goals of the KMGBF.

Parties also agreed on how progress in the implementation of the KMGBF will be reviewed at COP17 as part of the planned global stocktake. They determined the way in which commitments from actors other than national governments can be included in the Planning, Monitoring, Reporting and Review (PMRR) Mechanism – including commitments from youth, women, indigenous peoples and local communities, civil society, the private sector and sub-national governments. In addition, Parties agreed on how they will report on their national progress, including using indicators, in reaching the goals and targets of the KMGBF. 

These important agreements will enhance responsibility and transparency in the implementation and monitoring of the KMGBF. 


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali: adoption of a landmark decision operationalizing the multilateral mechanism, including the Cali Fund

Having agreed at COP 15 to establish a multilateral mechanism, including a global fund, to share the benefits from uses of digital sequence information on genetic resources (DSI) more fairly and equitably, Parties adopted a decision operationalizing the Cali Fund.

In Rome: Launch of the Cali Fund in the margins of the negotiations


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In a landmark decision at COP 16 in Cali, Parties adopted a new Programme of Work on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities. This transformative programme sets out specific tasks to ensure the meaningful contribution of indigenous peoples and local communities towards the three objectives of the Convention ((a) the conservation of biological diversity, b) the sustainable use of biological diversity, and c) the fair and equitable sharing of benefits), as well as the implementation of the KMGBF. Through this Programme, rights, contributions and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities are further embedded in the global agenda.

Parties also agreed to establish a new permanent subsidiary body on article 8j and other Provisions, with its modus operandi to be developed over the next two years. The new Subsidiary Body is expected to elevate issues related to the implementation of Article 8j and enhance the engagement and participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in all convention processes.

A further decision was taken to recognize the role of people of African descent, comprising collectives embodying traditional lifestyles, in implementing the Convention and in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

The decision adopted in Cali introduces a new thematic action plan to help address the capacity-building, technology transfer and knowledge-sharing needs of Parties, and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. By helping countries assess and apply synthetic biology technologies, COP 16 aims to foster innovation while safeguarding biodiversity.

An expert group will guide identification of synthetic biology’s potential benefits and review the potential impacts of recent technological developments – a unique opportunity to explore synthetic biology in relation to the three objectives of the Convention and in implementing the KMGBF. 


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

Adopted in Cali, the decision on invasive alien species addresses one of the top five direct drivers of biodiversity loss, highlighting the need for international cooperation, capacity-building, and technical support for developing countries.  It proposes guidelines for managing invasive alien species, touching on issues such as e-commerce, multicriteria analysis methodologies and others.

New databases, improved cross-border trade regulations, and enhanced coordination with e-commerce platforms aim to address gaps in managing invasive species risks and align with the goals of KMGBF, where cross-sectoral and collaborative approaches are central to biodiversity protection.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties adopted a landmark decision on Biodiversity and Climate Change with an important reference to the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus. The text notably calls upon the Presidents of COP 16 of the CBD and COP 29 and COP 30 of the UNFCCC to strengthen multilateral coordination. The decision also requests the Executive Secretary of the CBD to invite Parties, observers and other stakeholders to submit (by May 2025) their views on options for enhanced policy coherence, including a potential joint work programme of the three Rio conventions, namely CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD.

Learn more


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties adopted decisions to further guide action on capacity building and development, technical and scientific cooperation (TSC), knowledge management (KM) and the clearing-house mechanism (CHM) to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). 

With respect to capacity building and development, COP 16 invited Parties, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant stakeholders to share information about their capacity needs and their ongoing and planned capacity-building and development activities and requested the Secretariat to make this information available through the central portal of the clearing-house mechanism (CHM). The Secretariat was also requested to implement joint capacity-building activities with the Secretariats of the Rio conventions and the biodiversity-related conventions.

COP 16 welcomed the 18 subregional technical and scientific cooperation support centres (TSCCs) that were selected to support Parties to effectively utilize science, technology, and innovation in the implementation of the KMGBF. It also adopted modalities for operationalizing the global coordination entity and mandated the CBD Secretariat to host it. The entity will coordinate and facilitate the work of the TSCCs, including through providing them with access to relevant information, tools, advice, technical support and additional resources for their work and will be accountable to the COP.   

The Parties also decided that the review of progress in the implementation of the long-term strategic framework for capacity building and development and the technical and scientific cooperation mechanism will be conducted in conjunction with the process for the global review of collective progress in the implementation of the KMGBF. 

The Parties also adopted a new programme of work for the CHM and a knowledge management strategy to support implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. 


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties agreed on a new and evolved process to identify ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs). Under the CBD, work on EBSAs, which identifies the most critical and vulnerable parts of the ocean, began in 2010 and became a central area of onean-related work.  Continued development of the programme was stymied for more than 8 years due to legal and political concerns. 

COP 16 gave new life to this process, agreeing on new mechanisms to identify new EBSAs and update existing ones, ensuring that the cataloguing of information of these areas can support planning and management with the most advanced science and knowledge available.

This comes at a time when EBSAs can play an important role for marine biodiversity protection, with major steps being taken to implement the 30x30 protected areas target and to prepare for the future implementation of the new agreement for marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties adopted a decision on sustainable wildlife management underscoring the necessity of monitoring, capacity-building, and the inclusive participation of indigenous peoples, local communities and women.

Additionally, COP 16 saw a commitment to align plant conservation efforts with the KMGBF monitoring framework. This includes updating the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation with specific indicators and a standardized reporting template, ensuring that progress in plant protection is measurable and consistent with global biodiversity targets.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties approved a Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health designed to help curb the emergence of zoonotic diseases, prevent non-communicable diseases, and promote sustainable ecosystems.  The strategy embraces a holistic “One Health” approach that recognizes the health of ecosystems, animals, and humans as interconnected.

Recognizing that biodiversity loss and poor health often share common drivers—such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change—the Plan emphasizes the urgency of tackling these threats to benefit both ecosystems and humans. 

The strategy underlines the need for education and promoting understanding of the connections between biodiversity and health, and the need to strengthen policies that promote sustainable ecosystems, support traditional medicine, and reduce habitat destruction. Special attention is accorded to vulnerable populations, including Indigenous peoples, who depend on local biodiversity for food, medicine, and cultural identity, as well as youth, seen as vital contributors to conservation and health initiatives.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

In Cali, Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety welcomed new, voluntary guidance on assessing the risks posed by living modified organisms (LMOs) containing engineered gene drives, a milestone in international biosafety management aiming to bolster the scientific rigor and transparency of risk assessment procedures in the Protocol.

Engineered gene drives have the capacity to propagate genetic modifications rapidly through wild populations and the move to strengthen protocols comes amid increased debate over genetic engineering, particularly for applications for pest control, disease control, and agriculture.  The new guidance prioritizes scientific transparency and accuracy in risk assessments, an essential step toward unified safety standards for managing LMOs worldwide.

The new guidance materials bring together the best available scientific resources and guidance materials available for environmental risk assessment, while also emphasizing the precautionary approach.

The voluntary nature of these guidelines allows individual countries to tailor assessments to national contexts, considering ecological variables unique to their environments. This flexibility is crucial in regions with diverse ecosystems and will help regulators make informed decisions, taking into account both the benefits and risks of LMOs with gene drives.


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16 

La "COP de la gente" saw an unprecedented whole-of-government and whole-of-society mobilization for peace with nature and a resounding commitment to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), the world’s masterplan to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. Several Ministers of Finance joined their peers in charge of the Environment to discuss the mobilization of financial resources and ponder cross-sector collaborations to achieve the 23 targets of the KMGBF by 2030. Indigenous peoples, local communities, civil society, businesses, financial institutions, sub-national governments, cities, local authorities, women, and youth presented remarkable initiatives and actions.

Watch the highlights from Cali, Colombia


Click here to see the list of outcome decisions from COP 16