intelligence: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

General works

General works on intelligence include Mark M. Lowenthal, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy (2000); Walter Laqueur, A World of Secrets: The Uses and Limits of Intelligence (1985, reissued 1993); Alfred C. Maurer, Marion D. Tunstall, and James M. Keagle (eds.), Intelligence—Policy and Process (1985); Wesley K. Wark (ed.), Espionage: Past, Present, Future? (1994); Christopher Andrew and David Dilks (eds.), The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth Century (1984); Roy Godson (ed.), Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s: Collection, Analysis, Counterintelligence, and Covert Action (1989); Angelo Codevilla, Informing Statecraft: Intelligence for a New Century (1992); and Abram N. Shulsky and Gary J. Schmitt, Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence, 3rd ed., rev. (2002). A helpful analysis of intelligence in the post-Cold War world is Robert M. Clark, Intelligence Analysis: A Target Centric Approach (2003).

History and comparative analyses

Works on signals intelligence are David Kahn, The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing, rev. ed. (1996); Stephen Budiansky, Battle of Wits (2002), a graceful history of the role of signals intelligence in the Allied victory in World War II; and Ronald Lewin, The American Magic: Codes, Ciphers, and the Defeat of Japan (also published as The Other Ultra, 1982), and Ultra Goes to War: The First Account of World War II’s Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents (1978, reissued 2001). General discussions of the World War II era include William Casey, The Secret War Against Hitler (1988); and David Kahn, Hitler’s Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II (2000). Intelligence surveillance from space during the Cold War years is discussed in William E. Burrows, Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security (1986).

Two comparative analyses are Roy Godson (ed.), Comparing Foreign Intelligence: The U.S., the USSR, the U.K. & the Third World (1988); and Nigel West, Games of Intelligence: The Classified Conflict of International Espionage (1989), addressing intelligence operations in the United States, France, the former Soviet Union, Israel, and the United Kingdom.

National intelligence systems

United States

General works focusing on U.S. intelligence include Harry Howe Ransom, The Intelligence Establishment, rev. and enlarged ed. (1970); Mark M. Lowenthal, U.S. Intelligence: Evolution and Anatomy, 2nd ed. (1992); Jeffrey T. Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, 4th ed. (1999); Bruce D. Berkowitz and Allan E. Goodman, Strategic Intelligence for American National Security (1989, with later reprints); Harold P. Ford, Estimative Intelligence: The Purposes and Problems of National Intelligence Estimating, rev. ed. (1993); Christopher Andrew, For the President’s Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush (1995); David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors (1980); and John A. Gentry, Lost Promise: How CIA Analysis Misserves the Nation: An Intelligence Assessment (1993).

Details of American satellite intelligence can be found in Jeffrey Richelson, America’s Secret Eyes in Space: The U.S. Keyhole Spy Satellite Program (1990). Jeffrey T. Richelson, The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology (2001), discusses the CIA’s role in the covert collection of scientific intelligence. James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America’s Most Secret Agency (1982), and Body of Secrets (2001), are a resourceful journalist’s detailed descriptions of the U.S. National Security Agency. Sherry Sontag, Blind Man’s Bluff (2000), details U.S. efforts to collect signals intelligence by submarines operating in Soviet territorial waters.

A background text covering the years prior to the formation of the CIA is Bradley F. Smith, The Shadow Warriors (1983). An excellent account of the Office of Strategic Services in World War II is Joseph E. Persico, Roosevelt’s Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage (2001). The history of the CIA is discussed in Thomas F. Troy, Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency (1975, with later reprints); William M. Leary (ed.), The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents (1984); and John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (1986), a valuable source.

Discussion of the CIA’s covert activities can be found in Gregory F. Treverton, Covert Action: The Limits of Intervention in the Postwar World (1987); and John Prados, Presidents’ Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations Since World War II Through Iranscam, rev. and expanded ed. (1996). William Colby and Peter Forbath, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (1978), is a candid and sometimes critical account by a former director of the CIA. Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (1974, reissued 1989), expresses the disillusionment of two former intelligence officers with the American intelligence system. Efforts to understand the role of clandestine intelligence in an open society are Rhodi Jeffreys-Jones, The CIA and American Democracy, 2nd ed. (1998); and Loch K. Johnson, America’s Secret Power: The CIA in Democratic Society (1989).

United Kingdom

The history of British intelligence is detailed in Christopher Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community (1986); and F.H. Hinsley et al., British Intelligence in the Second World War, 5 vol. (1979–90), an official account, based on the authors’ access to secret archives, available also in a 1-vol. abridged version with the same title (1993). British covert operations against U.S. citizens—particularly against American isolationists—are recounted in Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939–1944 (1998); and in Nicholas John Cull, Selling War: The British Propaganda Campaign Against American “Neutrality” in World War II (1995). A recent history of the early Cold War years is Stephen Dorril, MI-6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service (2000). Other works include William Stevenson, A Man Called Intrepid (1976, reissued 2000), a description of the activities of Sir William Stephenson, the Canadian coordinator of British and American spy operations in New York City during World War II; R.V. Jones, The Wizard War: British Scientific Intelligence, 1939–1945 (1978), an account of the role and significance of technical intelligence in World War II; and Nigel West, The Friends: Britain’s Post-War Secret Intelligence Operations (1988), and Molehunt: The Full Story of the Soviet Spy in MI5 (1987). An account of British intelligence in Ireland is Tony Geraghty, The Irish War: The Hidden Conflict Between the IRA and British Intelligence (2000).

Soviet Union and Russia

Descriptions and histories of the KGB include Yevgeniya Albats, The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia—Past, Present and Future (1994); Oleg Kalugin, The First Directorate (1994), the personal account of a Soviet intelligence officer; Jeffrey Richelson, Sword and Shield: The Soviet Intelligence and Security Apparatus (1986); John Barron, KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents (1974), a standard history; and Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (1990). An excellent account of Soviet intelligence in the 1930s is Gary Kern, A Death in Washington: Walter G. Krivitsky and the Stalin Terror (2003). An account of the Soviet effort to steal American nuclear secrets is Alexander Feklisov, The Man Behind the Rosenbergs (2001). An excellent history of KGB operations in the United States is Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vasiliev, The Haunted Wood (2000). The struggle between the KGB and the CIA in the last decades of the 20th century is the subject of Milt Bearden and James Risen, The Main Enemy: The Inside Story of the CIA’s Final Showdown with the KGB (2003). An insider’s view by a former Soviet intelligence professional is Viktor Suvorov (pseud.), Inside Soviet Military Intelligence (also published as Soviet Military Intelligence, 1984).

Other countries

Accounts of Israeli intelligence include Gordon Thomas, Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad (1999); Samuel Katz, Soldier Spies (1994); and Ian Black, Israel’s Secret Wars (1991).

Good accounts of the East German service are John O. Koehler, STASI: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police (1999); and Markus Wolf, Man Without a Face (1997).

Chinese intelligence is explored in Nicholas Eftimiades, Chinese Intelligence Operations (1994).

Colombian and U.S. intelligence operations against drug cartels are discussed in Mark Bowden, Killing Pablo (2001).

Richard Butler, The Greatest Threat (2001), discusses limitations on the ability of the United States and the United Nations to collect intelligence for use in preventing Iraq from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

Bibliographic sources

Bibliographies include Myron J. Smith, Jr., The Secret Wars, 3 vol. (1980–81), a comprehensive bibliography of works on secret operations, loosely defined, covering the period 1939–80; George C. Constantinides, Intelligence and Espionage (1983), an authoritative work with substantial annotations, discussing works published to 1981; and Neal H. Petersen, American Intelligence, 1775–1990 (1992), covering topics such as espionage, cryptology, and counterintelligence.

Harry Howe Ransom Robert W. Pringle

Article Contributors

Primary Contributors

  • Harry Howe Ransom
  • Robert W. Pringle
    Adjunct professor, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. Former intelligence analyst, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency.

Other Encyclopedia Britannica Contributors

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Added cross-reference. Mar 20, 2025
Removed media. Aug 17, 2021
Add new Web site: Federation of American Scientist - The Role of Intelligence. Oct 16, 2016
Add new Web site: North Atlantic Treaty Organization - The Role of Security Intelligence Service in Democracy. Oct 16, 2016
Add new Web site: E-International Relations - The Importance of Intelligence to International Security. Jun 12, 2016
Added video. Mar 13, 2015
Article revised and updated. Mar 16, 2007
Article revised. May 12, 2005
Article revised. May 07, 2004
Article revised. Nov 10, 2000
Article revised. Sep 05, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jul 20, 1998
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