beatification, in the Roman Catholic Church, the second of the three stages in the process of canonization. In beatification a deceased person is declared “Blessed” and worthy of limited public veneration.
Responsibility for beatification was assigned to the Roman Curia under Pope Sixtus V in the late 1500s. The legislation of Pope Urban VIII, together with later legislation by Pope Benedict XIV, formed the basis of the procedures for beatification and canonization found in the Code of Canon Law (promulgated 1917). Pope John Paul II revised the procedures with Divinus Perfectionis Magister in 1983.
In general, the process of documenting the sanctity of a holy man or woman cannot begin until five years after death, though this waiting period can be waived by the pope. Pope John Paul II, for example, waived three years off the waiting period for the cause of Mother Teresa, and Pope Benedict XVI waived the entire waiting period for his predecessor John Paul II. A potential candidate for sainthood becomes “Venerable” when his or her case has been officially accepted by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints (formerly the Sacred Congregation of Rites) and when a special papal decree has announced the candidacy, asserting that the person had virtues of heroic degree or had suffered martyrdom. This is the first of the three stages in the canonization process. A venerable candidate is then assessed according to either of the two types of beatification that are distinguished by the Code of Canon Law: formal, or ordinary, and extraordinary, or equivalent.

Formal beatification has entailed four general steps: an informative process, introduction of the cause, the apostolic process, and four definite judgments. The first of these steps was under the jurisdiction of the bishop in whose diocese it took place, and the other three were directly under the jurisdiction of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints and the pope. In the late 1960s Pope Paul VI announced that the process of beatification would be shortened and decentralized, and he established a new congregation (administrative division) of the Curia to handle such processes. Diocesan, provincial, or regional courts would conduct the entire investigation in consultation with the Vatican. Thus, duplication would be avoided and less time needed to complete the process.
The investigation of the candidate involves the gathering together of all material pertaining to the candidate’s reputation for sanctity or heroic virtue, the writings of the candidate, and information about miracles performed by the candidate either during his or her lifetime or after death. The miracle required for beatification can be waived in the case of martyrdom. The bishop appoints a person, called postulator of the cause, to promote the cause and also appoints a promoter of the faith, commonly known as the “devil’s advocate,” to see that the entire truth is made known about the candidate. The role of the promoter of the faith was significantly reduced with the reforms of John Paul II in 1983 and subsequently held little sway over the proceedings. After the process is completed, if the pope orders the beatification, it is in the form of a solemn proclamation with a solemn mass. Veneration then may be carried on in specified localities, and the candidate is referred to as “Blessed.”
The beatified person may then continue the path to sainthood. The final stage, which culminates in canonization and granting of the title “Saint,” is essentially the same as beatification, but at least one verified miracle obtained through invocation after beatification must occur before the cause for canonization may be introduced.