- Key People:
- Joseph Barrell
- Johann Gottlob Lehmann
- Related Topics:
- sedimentation
- clay
- gravel
- sand
- cementation
- On the Web:
- University of Diyala - College of Sciences - Sedimentary rocks (PDF) (Feb. 25, 2025)
In terms of volume, mudrocks are by far the most important variety of sedimentary rock, probably constituting nearly 80 percent of Earth’s sedimentary rock column. Despite this abundance, the literature on mudrocks does not match in extent or detail that dealing with sandstones, carbonate rocks, and the various rarer sedimentary rock varieties like evaporite and phosphorite. This paradox reflects the difficulties inherent both in analyzing such rocks, owing to their poor exposure and fine grain size, and in interpreting any data obtained from their analysis because of the effects of diagenesis. Mudrocks include all siliciclastic sedimentary rocks composed of silt- and clay-size particles: siltstone (1/16 millimetre to 1/256 millimetre diameters), claystone (less than 1/256 millimetre), and mudstone (a mix of silt and clay). Shale refers specifically to mudrocks that regularly exhibit lamination or fissility or both. Mudrocks are also loosely referred to as both lutites and pelites and as argillaceous sedimentary rocks.
Though mudrocks are composed mainly of detritus weathered from preexisting rocks, many contain large amounts of chemically precipitated cement (either calcium carbonate or silica), as well as abundant organic material. Mudrocks produced from the alteration of volcanic lava flows and ash beds to clay and zeolite minerals are called bentonites.
General properties of shales
The properties of shales are largely determined by the fine grain size of the constituent minerals. The accumulation of fine clastic detritus generally requires a sedimentary environment of low mechanical energy (one in which wave and current actions are minimal), although some fine material may be trapped by plants or deposited as weakly coherent pellets in more agitated environments. The properties of the clay mineral constituents of lutites are particularly important, even when they do not make up the bulk of a rock.
The mineralogy of shales is highly variable. In addition to clay minerals (60 percent), the average shale contains quartz and other forms of silica, notably amorphous silica and cristobalite (30 percent), feldspars (5 percent), and the carbonate minerals calcite and dolomite (5 percent). Iron oxides and organic matter (about 0.5 and 1 percent, respectively) are also important. Older estimates greatly underestimated clay minerals because of incorrect assignment of potassium to feldspar minerals. The most abundant clay mineral is illite; montmorillonite and mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite are next in abundance, followed by kaolinite, chlorite, chlorite-montmorillonite, and vermiculite. The quartz-to-feldspar ratio generally mirrors that of associated sands. In pelagic (deep-sea) sediments, however, feldspar may be derived from local volcanic sources, whereas quartz may be introduced from the continents by wind, upsetting simple patterns. A large number of accessory minerals occur in shales. Some of these are detrital, but diagenetic or in situ varieties (e.g., pyrite, siderite, and various phosphates) and volcanically derived varieties (e.g., zeolites, zircon, and biotite) have been noted.
Origin of shales
The formation of fine-grained sediments generally requires weak transporting currents and a quiet depositional basin. Water is the common transporting medium, but ice-rafted glacial flour (silt produced by glacial grinding) is a major component in high-latitude oceanic muds, and windblown dust is prominent, particularly in the open ocean at low and intermediate latitudes. Shale environments thus include the deep ocean; the continental slope and rise; the deeper and more protected parts of shelves, shallow seas, and bays; coastal lagoons; interdistributory regions of deltas, swamps, and lakes (including arid basin playas); and river floodplains. The deep-sea muds are very fine, but an orderly sequence from coarse sediments in high-energy nearshore environments to fine sediments at greater depths is rarely found. Sediments at the outer edges of present-day continental shelves are commonly sands, relict deposits of shallower Pleistocene (from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago) glacial conditions, whereas muds are currently being deposited in many parts of the inner shelf. The nearshore deposition of clay minerals is enhanced by the tendency of riverborne dispersed platelets to flocculate in saline waters (salinity greater than about four parts per thousand) and to be deposited just beyond the agitated estuarine environment as aggregates hydraulically equivalent to coarser particles. Differential flocculation leads to clay-mineral segregation, with illite and kaolinite near shore and montmorillonite farther out to sea. Advance of silty and sandy delta-slope deposits over clays also leads to complex grain-size patterns.
Shales may be deposited in environments of periodic agitation. Sediments deposited on submarine slopes are frequently mechanically unstable and may be redistributed by slumping and turbidity currents to form thick accumulations (possible present-day eugeosynclinal equivalents) on the lower continental slope and rise. Part of the shale in many wacke-shale alternations may be of turbidite origin. Fine sediment can be deposited in marshes and on tidal flats. Trapping by marsh plants and binding of muds in fecal pellets are important. Because of electrochemical interactions among fine particles, muds plastered on a tidal flat by an advancing tide are difficult to reerode on the ebb. This may lead, as in the present-day Waddenzee, in The Netherlands, to a size increase from nearshore tidal flat muds to lag sands seaward. Fine floodplain sediments may dry out to coherent shale pellets, and these, on reerosion, can be redistributed as sands and gravels.