Refund & Cancellation Policy


BidCurios is an online market place for Sellers & Buyers. The items listed here are provided by the respective Sellers and may be shipped from different locations.

Shipping Policy

Orders are typically shipped within 1 to 3 working days of receiving confirmed orders. They take 5-6 working days after shipping to be delivered.

We provide combined shipping per seller. If your order has multiple items from one seller, there will be one shipping charge. If there are items in your order from multiple sellers, there will be one shipping charge per seller. For international orders however, additional shipping may be required for multiple item from one seller.

All items will be shipped with tracking number. Different carriers may be used by sellers. Most common shipping service used is India Post. Some orders may also be shipped using private courier services.

Insured shipping may also be provided by Sellers at additional cost in case of high value items. It is encouraged that buyers ask for insured shipping for items over Rs. 20000. Items over this amount are not covered under refunds if sent uninsured.

Once the items are shipped, the order status is updated and tracking number is added to your order. Track your orders here.

BidCurios uses third party shipping providers. BidCurios does not own the shipping providers and has limited control over them. BidCurios is not responsible for delays or any inconvenience caused by service provided by the shipping partners.

International Shipping Custom Duties and Taxes

We ship to all locations on a DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) basis, which means that all relevant import taxes and duties will not be included in the product price. If the customs duties are imposed in the recipient’s country or region, the taxes will be paid by the customer.

Cash On Delivery (COD)

At this time we do not offer Cash on Delivery (COD) option. You need to make the payment for your purchases before the items can be shipped to you.

Cancellation Policy

You as a customer can cancel your order before they are shipped. Full refund in case of cancellation before shipping the order. In such a case we will refund any payments already made by you for the order.

No cancellation after the order has been shipped.

Items won in “Make an Offer” cannot be cancelled. You are committing to make the payment within 48 hours of the highest offer. Please make an offer only if you can make the payment. You will be banned from participating if you don’t make the payment for your won items.

To cancel an order before it is shipped, please send an Order Support Enquiry on the Contact Page.

Return Policy

BidCurios accepts returns if the item shipped does not match the product listing. Please contact Customer Support within 4 days of receiving the item if there is any discrepancy. We will not consider returns if there is a delay in contacting Customer Support of more than 7 days from the time of delivery.

At this time BidCurios does not accept unconditional returns. If the item received is the one that was listed, we do not accept returns.

If any product that qualifies for return is to be returned, you will be required to ship the product back to the address provided by BidCurios. You can ship the product using India Post registered post.

Refund Policy

Full refund will be provided if:

  • Order is cancelled before shipping.
  • Item does not reach the buyer. This will be done after due diligence with the delivery organization.
  • Item sent is not the one listed. You will be requested to return the item received. Refund will be made after the item has been received from you.

Please make a video of the package as you open it to ensure speedier refunds.

In case of order being returned to origin (RTO) due to either address incorrect or non-acceptance of order at time of delivery, refund of items may be considered once the item reach back the seller. In such case shipping charge will be deducted from your refund. In case you want the order to be reshipped, you may be required to pay shipping charge again.

Refunds will be processed in the original mode of payment, which will be credited within 5 to 7 working days (bank SLA).

Raising a Complaint

You can reach out to us through our Contact page, or Email, or Phone, or Facebook.

Please inform us of any issue within 7 days of receipt of your order. We will not be able to support if you reach out after 7 days.

Please provide clear images in case of product mismatch or damage. Provide opening video where available, specially for high value orders.

Limited Liability

You agree that our liability is limited to the amount you paid. We are not liable for any additional amount you might claim due to any reason.

Secure Payments

Your payments are completely secure. You can pay by Credit card, Debit card, NetBanking, UPI, and popular mobile wallets. International payments are through PayPal.

  • We use industry standard payment gateway that is used on most ecommerce websites.
  • We do not store any of your credit/debit card information.
  • No one from BidCurios will call you for OTP.
  • Please do not share your OTP with anyone.

Please use only Indian mode of payment (Indian credit or debit card, Indian bank UPI/NetBanking etc.) when making payments in Indian Rupees. You cannot make INR payments through banking instruments originating outside India.

Please use international credit card (cards issued outside India) only for making USD payments through PayPal. You cannot make INR payments through PayPal.