Tell giant telecom companies – Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile – to commit to 100% clean energy and prioritize energy justice

The telecommunications industry contributes 2.5% of our global greenhouse gas emissions and consumes enormous amounts of electricity from fossil fuels. Unfortunately, while fossil fuels drive telecom profits, producing fossil fuels exposes frontline communities to air, water, and soil contamination. This toxic exposure increases the risk of asthma, breast cancer, and other diseases in these marginalized communities.
The immense power of the telecommunications industry could be a driving force for good in the fight against climate change and environmental injustice. We need them to invest in 100% clean energy and include provisions in their clean energy contracts that advance energy justice – specifically addressing environmental harm, workers’ rights, and access to affordable clean energy for marginalized communities. With their investment in clean energy, we will be one step closer to a sustainable, renewable energy future for all, free of dirty fossil fuels.
We must act now. Tell the telecom giants to commit to 100% clean energy and prioritize energy justice. Sign the petition today!