Fewer than 10% of breast cancer cases are due to family history.

We work to prevent breast cancer before it starts by eliminating the toxic chemicals linked to the disease.

Get Involved

Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) works to...

Icon representing Education, illustrated as a molecule.

By providing science-based tools and resources for reducing your risk and preventing breast cancer.

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An icon representing Policy, illustrated as a government building.
Enact Laws

By working with and urging legislators to enact laws that ban the most toxic chemicals in our environment.

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An icon representing market change, illustrated by a shield.
Protect Consumers

By creating corporate accountability and partnering with industry leaders to ensure safer products for your family.

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Breast Cancer Prevention Partners works to...


By providing science-based tools and resources for reducing your risk and preventing breast cancer.

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Enact Laws

By working with and urging legislators to enact laws that ban the most toxic chemicals in our environment.

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Protect Consumers

By creating corporate accountability and partnering with industry leaders to ensure safer products for your family.

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The Mission of BCPP

1 in 8 women today will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Yet, 90% of cases are not linked to family history, but to lifestyle, environmental, and toxic chemical exposures.

That’s why BCPP works to end the preventable risk factors linked to breast cancer—to save lives and stop the disease before it starts.

Exposing the Cause is the Cure


Our Impact on Breast Cancer Prevention

Convinced Johnson & Johnson to stop selling their toxic talc baby powder globally

Banned toxic DEHP from IVs in California

Banned BPA from baby bottles federally

And many more victories over 30+ years! See them here…

Current Initiatives

Risk Factor Hub

View the nation’s first primary prevention risk and protective factor center that offers and explains 16+ easy-to-digest breast cancer factors and what you can do about them.

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Toxic-Free IVs

DEHP is a highly toxic phthalate that leaches out of plastic IV bags and tubing into millions of patients. Join our fight to ban toxic DEHP from IVs.

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Non-Toxic Black Beauty Database

Experience the newly expanded database of verified safer, Black-owned beauty companies offering products you and your family can trust.

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Your donation can help prevent breast cancer now and for future generations.


BCPP's Programs

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

As the original trailblazer of the clean beauty movement, CSC protects people and the planet from toxic chemicals in our personal care products.

Learn more

Protect Our Breasts

Empowering younger generations to make safer choices to protect their breasts during the most vulnerable periods of their lives.

Learn more


An icon representing FAQ, illustrated as a conversation bubble with a question mark.
  • For $25, you help BCPP stay on top of emerging science and breast cancer risk factors.
  • For $50, you help support a community workshop or webinar with prevention intervention information.
  • For $100, you help us product test your everyday products for toxic chemicals and analyze their results.
  • For $250, you help pressure companies to stop selling harmful products by organizing and mobilizing 25,000 supporters through a grassroots letter-writing campaign.
  • For $500, you help design and promote science-based materials that provide prevention education nationwide.
  • For $1,000, you help power our team to travel to D.C. to meet with legislators and pass laws to get toxics out of our air, food, products, and water.
    Donate today!

While we can't change our genes, we can change our environment.
Check out the nation's only Breast Cancer Risk Factor's Hub to learn what you can do to prevent this disease for yourself, your loved ones, and in your community.

Looking for simple top tips you can start using today? Visit our Tips to Reduce Your Risk resource.

Science is the backbone of BCPP. We publish reports, review the newest science, and translate the latest peer-reviewed studies, so you don't have to do the hard work. Visit our Glossary of Exposures and State of the Evidence resource to learn more.

We give you all the tools and resources you need to set goals, collect donations, email your friends and family, and track your progress as we work together to free the world from breast cancer. Learn more or contact [email protected].

  • Join us for an outdoor adventure in honor and memory of all those touched by breast cancer.
  • Fundraise or host an event to raise money to stop breast cancer before it starts.
  • Volunteer to support this life-saving work.
  • Other ways to give: donor advised funds, workplace giving, stocks, in-kind donations.

An icon representing FAQ, illustrated as a conversation bubble with a question mark.