• The ASRT and Foundation sites will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, March 6th from 4:45 - 9pm (MST). Areas requiring login will not be functional during this time.

News, Research and Publications

What does the ASRT Department of Research do?

The ASRT Research Department’s initiatives support ASRT’s mission of empowering professionals in medical imaging and radiation therapy. We conduct several regular studies that provide a snapshot of current economic trends in the radiologic sciences. We also conduct research into current practices and safety and various surveys to address issues in the field. 

Research Products and Resources

These resources are a great way to learn more about the scope and process of research in the radiologic sciences.

Critical Reasoning:
The Series | 5.25 CE Credits

Member: $78.75   Retail: $105

Learn the basic principles of logic and statistics, and practical applications for critical reasoning concepts. Review the structure of arguments and fallacies, and put your knowledge to use every day.

How To Write A Winning Research Grant: 1 CE Credit

Member: $15   Retail: $20

Write an effective research grant for any funding organization by learning the key attributes of a winning proposal. Learn how to refine your research topic to make it fundable while meeting requirements.

Research Study Tools

Free for members

Learn the fundamentals of the research process, including avoiding plagiarism and finding credible sources. Discover how to critique research and the importance of significance testing.

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ Research

  • What does the ASRT Research Department do?

  • I am interested in research grants. Can the ASRT Research Department help me?

  • I am conducting a research study. Can the ASRT Research Department provide me with an email, mail or phone list for my sample?

  • I am conducting a research study. Can the ASRT Research Department send out a survey for me?

  • Can you provide demographic data (e.g., gender, ethnicity) on radiologic technologists?

  • Where can I find information on technologists’ compensation?

  • Where can I find information about staffing levels in imaging or radiation therapy departments?