Travel & Location

View on Boston city center at sunrise in winter

All scientific sessions, exhibits, posters, and meeting offices will be located at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

Address: 415 Summer St, Boston, MA 02210

About Boston, MA

The birthplace of the American Revolution is a hub of history, culture, sports, outdoor beauty, and so much more! Boston encourages you to explore all it has to offer, including world-class museums and renowned universities, iconic landmarks, gourmet culinary offerings, and diverse neighborhoods.

October Weather in Boston: Average high: 61 °F (about 16 °C) / Average low: 47 °F (about 8 °C).
Currency: U.S. dollar, credit cards, debit cards, and travelers’ checks are widely accepted. Review currency converter for details on current exchange rates.
Taxes: Sales Tax = 6.25%, Hotel Tax = 5.7%.
Time Zone: U.S. Eastern Daylight Time – 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-4).

Transportation To & Around Boston

Nearby Airport: Boston Logan International Airport


  • Transportation to & from the Airport
  • Getting to the Convention Center
  • Maps
  • Parking options near the Convention Center
    • To self-park ($25 and $50 for oversized vehicles), from Summer Street, turn onto East Side Drive, drive past the valet area, and continue straight along the side of the building. At the end of the building, make a right and go down the ramp. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left and you will see the entrance to the South Parking lot in front of you. Accessible parking spaces are also located in this lot, closest to the building (the same parking rates apply).



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