Abstracts: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When is the abstract deadline?
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to Monday, June 12, 2023, 9:00 am U.S. Eastern Time.
How do I access the abstract submission site?
Please access the submission site here.
Do I need to create an ASHG portal account to submit an abstract?
Yes, an ASHG portal login is required to access the Abstract Submission Site. If you have ever been a member, submitted an abstract, or attended an ASHG meeting, you should already have an ASHG account. Your username is your email address. If this is your first time interacting with ASHG, you will have the option to create an account regardless of your membership status.
What is the abstract submission fee?
- ASHG Member Abstract Fee: $0
- Non-Member Abstract Fee (non-refundable): $50 USD (Become a Member)
- Resource-Limited Countries Abstract Fee: $0 (please check the eligible countries list for your country)
- If your country is eligible, contact [email protected] to request your one-time-use code. Please do not make any payment until you have received a confirmation email with the code.
First (presenting) authors must also register for the Annual Meeting and plan to attend to present their work. Accepted abstracts will be programmed in either plenary, platform, or poster sessions.
How do I submit an abstract on behalf of a colleague?
Abstracts must be submitted using the first (presenting) author’s ASHG portal account, as the first author is pre-populated on the form. ASHG membership is not required to create a portal account.
Can a lab head/PI (principal investigator) submit abstracts for everyone in their lab if the PI is a member?
We do not permit multiple abstract submissions from the same first author/with the same presenter. The person who submits the abstract is the first (presenting) author, and their ASHG membership status determines whether the $50 abstract submission fee is required or waived.
The system will not allow you to have two submissions as first (presenting) author under your account. However, there is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on additional, unique abstract submissions.
Can I change the first (presenting) author of my abstract?
The first author’s name on a submitted abstract cannot be changed.
- If you notice that your name is incorrect after payment and completion of the abstract submission, do not withdraw or delete a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions. Contact ASHG’s Scientific Program Team ([email protected]) for assistance.
- If you notice that your name is incorrect prior to paying and completing the submission, then you must 1) withdraw your abstract submission by clicking “Delete This Submission” on the Review My Work step or by clicking the “Delete” icon on the Abstract Submission Site portal, 2) update your name in the ASHG portal, and then 3) submit a new abstract by June 8, 2023.
- If the first author has changed, then withdraw the abstract and ask the new first author to log in and submit a new abstract by June 8, 2023. Note: Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions.
Can I submit more than one abstract as first author?
No. An individual may be first (presenting) author of only one abstract. The presenting author’s name should be the first name to appear in the author listing.
Note, there is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on additional, unique submissions.
Can I designate a co-first author on my abstract?
We only allow one first (presenting) author. If your abstract is programmed in the meeting, you may recognize your colleague’s contributions.
Is there an abstract template?
We do not have an abstract template to follow, but you may follow our Step-by-Step Instructions to prepare your abstract submission. Additionally, you can read this article on tips to write an effective abstract. Here are some of our favorite tips from previous meeting years as well:
What is the maximum and minimum length of an abstract?
You are allotted 2,300 characters (excluding spaces) for the body text of your abstract. Title, author, and institutional data are not included in the 2,300 characters. See Step-by-Step Instructions for details.
Do I need to include references/citations in my abstract submission?
No, you do not need to include citations during submission; however, we do ask that you include references and citations on your poster and/or presentation if your abstract is programmed in the meeting.
Is work posted on a preprint server or presented at another meeting considered ‘previously published’?
A preprint server is not considered previously published. Refer to ASHG’s Prior Publication Policy to determine if your work is considered previously published.
Will my abstract score lower or be rejected if I indicate that the work has been previously published or accepted for presentation at another meeting?
Not necessarily. If this is the case, the authors should be clear that the abstract includes additional and/or new data that distinguishes this body of work from other presentations or publications. Abstract authors should check the appropriate box during submission noting whether the abstract has been described in a recent publication or meeting presentation.
If the abstract does not contain any new data then it is unlikely to be accepted. The Program Committee reserves the right to decline a presentation to any submitted abstracts that lack scientific content or merit.
Can I add an author or remove an author from my abstract?
Yes, as long as you do this before June 8, 2023. See Step-by-Step Instructions for more details.
How can I add my middle initial to the author block as first (presenting) author?
Please email us at [email protected] and we will be able to add your middle initial to your author block on the backend.
What if the abstract outlines collaborative work that has been performed by more than the maximum of 30 authors?
We recommend that, whenever possible, large groups or consortia be cited to keep the number of authors under 30. See Step-by-Step Instructions for more details. If this is not possible, contact [email protected] for information on requesting an exception. If an exception is granted, directions will follow.
Are tables allowed to be included in the results/abstract body?
We do not allow for tables to be included in your abstract submission. If your abstract is programmed in the meeting, you may include tables in your presentation.
How will I know my abstract has been submitted successfully?
You will receive an immediate, on-screen confirmation of receipt, followed by a confirmation email. There is no separate “submit” button. Please save these confirmations for your records. If you do not receive an on-screen confirmation, your abstract was not submitted successfully, and you must try again.
Where can I download a copy of my abstract submission receipt?
After you successfully submit your payment, there will be an on-screen receipt on the Payment step. The email address provided on the Payment step will also be sent a copy of the receipt. Or, you may download the receipt from the link on the Review My Work step, “Click here to get a payment receipt,” towards the bottom of the page.
What is my abstract control number?
Your abstract control number (e.g., 2023-A-1234-ASHG) will be assigned to each abstract submitted online and will be listed on all email correspondence regarding the abstract. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, it will be assigned a permanent presentation number that will be used to identify it in all online abstract materials. Please place the presentation number on your poster/presentation and use it in citations of your published abstract. Do not place the control number on your poster/presentation – the control number is internal only.
Can I revise or withdraw my abstract?
Yes, but only on or before June 8, 2023 (by 8:00 pm U.S. Eastern Time). To make any changes to an abstract, including co-author changes, log in to the Abstract Submission Site and select the title of your abstract. To withdraw an abstract, log in to the Abstract Submission Site and select the “Delete” icon. Note: After June 8, abstracts cannot be revised or withdrawn. If accepted by the Program Committee, abstracts will be included in the meeting program and available as a searchable abstract on the meeting website.
Reminder: Do not withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are withdrawn, and payment will be required for any resubmissions. Contact ASHG’s Scientific Program Team for assistance with editing or transferring an abstract to an alternate session if needed.
I accidentally deleted my abstract submission. What should I do?
If you delete your abstract submission by accident, email us at [email protected] immediately and we will re-instate it.
How will my abstract be reviewed and programmed?
See Abstract Review and Programming for details.
When will I be notified of acceptance?
Notifications will be sent in August. The information will also be posted on the ASHG website at that time.
If my abstract is accepted, is there an option to present virtually?
You are submitting this abstract with the intent of attending and presenting your work in person at the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting being held November 1-5, 2023, in Washington, DC. You understand that if you do not register and attend in person, your abstract may be withdrawn and your opportunity to present in Washington, DC forfeited. You understand that ASHG is not making any commitments to host virtual or hybrid content formats and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to make adjustments to presentation format and style.
When will abstracts be made available to the public?
Abstracts will be published online only on September 14, 2023 and will be citable from the Annual Meeting website.
Do you have guidelines for speakers in Plenary and Platform Sessions?
Yes, presenter guidelines will be made available in July. Any additional questions can be sent to [email protected].
How do I cite an abstract?
See How to Cite Abstracts for a suggested format.
If I present a poster, are people allowed to take photos of my data or text?
See Camera, Mobile Phone, and Video Recording Policies for details.
Will there be late-breaking abstracts?
The Program Committee do not plan to have a call for late breaking abstracts.
Questions? Email [email protected]