Industry Speaking Opportunities

Great science comes from all kinds of organizations, and one of the best ways to find quality leads is to show thought leadership at a relevant conference. ASHG welcomes and encourages industry speakers and presentations at the Annual Meeting to present what’s new and exciting in the field with our attendees. The ASHG Annual Meeting is an ideal forum to host an event whether it be an informal networking gathering or a structured scientific forum, ASHG 2023 is the best place to engage with the human genetics and genomics community.

Limited Spaces Available – Apply Today!

Apply to Host your Industry Event Today

Host your Next Industry Event at ASHG

Space will be available for commercial companies (both exhibitors and non-exhibiting companies) to host educational events at either the convention center and/or official ASHG hotels on the open days for the Exhibit & Poster Hall (November 2-4) during programming and lunch breaks and during poster presentations.

Sponsors plan the content of each session, subject to application and approval by ASHG. Eligible events are listed on the online schedule and in the official mobile app. Due to limited space during the lunch period, ASHG will only program one lunch event per company per event type.

We also welcome our industry partners to explore engaging our attendees through ancillary events and exhibitor social events.

Special discounts apply for current exhibitors: Exhibiting companies (those that reserved a 10×10 booth or larger) receive preference for scheduling industry events and they also pay lower fees; non-exhibiting companies are permitted to apply but pay a higher fee per event.

Looking for exhibitor suites and meeting rooms? Review the available exhibitor suites and pricing here and contact us at [email protected] to reserve!

View the Current Industry
Sessions Schedule
See the current event sponsors and choose your
session time
Download the Exhibit Prospectus
for Pricing
Current exhibitors receive discounted rates and
preferred scheduling

Industry & Ancillary Event Formats

CoLab Sessions

30-minute sessions held in theater-style setups on the Exhibit & Poster Hall floor during scientific session breaks, the lunch period, and during poster presentations. Examples of these sessions include product theaters, demonstrations, patient perspectives, Q&A sessions, and panels. The CoLab fee covers a portion of the total CoLab Theaters’ setups and A/V equipment rental, a listing on the online planner/schedule of events and mobile app, and ASHG’s administrative cost. These sessions are turnkey, meaning you show up with your speaker and present!

Industry Education Sessions

Non-ASHG sponsored events held over the lunch break and during poster presentations in dedicated meeting rooms at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Sponsors will have the opportunity to order catering, AV, and other services to best suit your session’s needs. Organizers may also request events during the breakfast period, approved on a case-by-case basis. The Industry Education session fee includes the room rental fee, chairs set up theater style based on the room’s capacity, a listing on the online planner/schedule of events and mobile app, and ASHG’s administrative cost; all services (including AV) must be ordered and managed separately by the organizer.

Exhibitor Social Events

Non-ASHG sponsored events with no educational component. Examples include networking receptions, promotional product launch events, or evening parties. There is no charge from ASHG to host these events; however, exhibitor social events must be submitted for approval via the Ancillary Event application and meet the criteria listed in the Ancillary Events page. Organizers must also purchase an offsite event listing fee via the ASHG Ads & Sponsorship Gallery to have their exhibitor social event listed in the official schedule. (Non-exhibiting companies may not purchase offsite event listings.)

Ancillary Events

Non-ASHG sponsored events held around the official meeting dates Wednesday November 1 through Sunday November 5. Examples include business meetings, committee meetings, workshops, networking/social gatherings, or receptions. Organizers must apply to host these events at either the convention center or host hotel; there is no fee due to ASHG to host or apply, but any room rental fees and all event services must be ordered by the organizer. Ancillary events are not permitted to overlap scientific programming and must not be primarily promotional in nature. Full rules and guidelines and the application may be found on the Ancillary Events page.

Event Services

It is the organizer’s responsibility to arrange and purchase any and all services required or desired for your event, including audiovisual, room signs, food and beverage, labor services, etc. No additional services may be ordered for CoLab sessions, such as catering, extra AV, wifi, etc. due to the tight scheduling between sessions.

To help our organizers budget for their events, below are some helpful links for service pricing and ordering at each venue.

When reaching out to vendors at the convention center, make sure to communicate that your event is not in the exhibit hall.

ASHG reserves the right to refuse to review any application that does not meet the criteria set forth in these guidelines. In addition, ancillary and industry events approved by ASHG shall in no way state or imply endorsement of or support by ASHG for the event, organizer, products, or services discussed in announcements or advertising, in any signage, or during the presentations.


Questions on Exhibiting With ASHG?

Visit our Exhibitor FAQ or contact
301-634-7318  |  [email protected]


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