Press Guidelines & Policies

Pasadena City Hall

ASHG provides complimentary press registration to staff and working freelance journalists who wish to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA.


The following individuals are eligible for press registration:

  • Reporters, writers, producers, and editors as well as photographers and videographers with staff credentials from newspapers, magazines, online news services, wire services, and radio or television networks and stations
  • Freelancers with assignment letters from established, verifiable media outlets
  • Freelancers with at least one bylined article/report published online, in print, or broadcast by an established, verifiable media outlet during the six months prior to the meeting
  • Online news services or online outlets that provide daily or weekly coverage of health and science
  • Bloggers who frequently comment about health and science

The following individuals are not eligible for press registration:

  • Writers, editors, and public relations professionals affiliated with exhibitors
  • Industry representatives and financial or industry analysts
  • Writers and editors for industry publications and websites
  • Manuscript editors of journals
  • Representatives of public relations firms and the public relations/communications offices of industry, academic, government, and nonprofit organizations

These individuals must register for ASHG 2022 as regular attendees and pay the required registration fee, regardless of affiliation with a news or trade media organization, contracted exhibitor, scientific journal, or publishing company.

Press Badges

Press registering for ASHG 2022 must:

  • Not exchange, loan, or borrow ASHG 2022 press credentials
  • Follow the same camera/recording policy as other ASHG attendees – Attendees may not use cameras, including mobile phone and tablet cameras, or any other audio and/or video recording devices in meeting session rooms, on the Exhibit & Poster Hall floor, or in poster/oral presentations

Embargo Guidelines

ASHG aims to encourage presentation of the latest findings and enable responsible and quality reporting of those findings by press in attendance. To this end, all abstracts, posters, presentations, symposia, and scientific and invited sessions at the ASHG 2022 Annual Meeting will be embargoed until the date and start time of their presentation at the meeting. This means that press registrants may not publish any information about work being presented at the meeting until the date and start time of the presentation. This policy helps ensure that all reporters have access to the same, up-to-date and complete information when researching and writing their articles.

By applying for press credentials, you are agreeing to adhere to all embargoes.

Press Materials Development Process

Press materials for the ASHG Annual Meeting are developed by the ASHG staff along with committee leaders and authors of submitted abstracts.

After the abstract submission deadline passes, the staff and subject matter experts on the Program Committee and Public Education Awareness Committee develop a short list of accepted abstracts likely to be of interest to the press and general public. This list is reviewed as a whole and revised to ensure balance among topics and scientific approaches. Then, the staff works with abstract authors to develop press releases summarizing each study’s findings and their importance, the final versions of which are reviewed and approved by the first and senior authors, as well as committee leaders with subject matter expertise. Press releases are issued under embargo in the days leading up to the meeting and posted publicly once the abstract has been presented.

Questions? Email [email protected].



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