Industry Speaking Opportunities – Applications Closed

Great science comes from all kinds of organizations, and one of the best ways to find quality leads is to show thought leadership at a relevant conference. ASHG welcomes and encourages industry speakers and presentations at the Annual Meeting to present what’s new and exciting in the field with our attendees.

Attending ASHG22: Proof of Vaccination Required

Host your Next Industry Event at ASHG

Meeting Attendee at a Co Lab during the ASHG Meeting

Space will be available for commercial companies to host educational events at either the convention center and/or official ASHG hotels at times that do not overlap scientific programming. Exhibitors plan the content of each session, subject to application and approval by ASHG. Full rules and guidelines may be found on the Ancillary Events page. Eligible events are listed on the online schedule and in the official mobile app. Current exhibitors receive discounted rates and preferred scheduling.

Important Registration Update for ASHG 2022

To better provide for the health and safety of ASHG’s attendees, exhibitors, staff, and volunteers, admittance to the Los Angeles Convention Center is restricted to guests who register in advance and meet the health and safety criteria outlined on our Health & Safety page. Anyone who has not registered for the Annual Meeting in advance will not be able to attend ASHG events held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, including speakers and guests who will only be attending specific industry events or visiting the exhibit hall.

Exhibitors wishing to invite guests to visit your booth or attend your industry events at the convention center may register them using the complimentary scientific or exhibitor guest badges included with your booth rental; additional exhibitor guest badges will available for purchase through our registration portal once your allotment is used. Exhibitor badges do not permit entry into scientific sessions. All attendees, exhibitors, and guests must be registered with their own badge, and badges may not be shared, altered, or exchanged.

Industry Event Formats

Industry Education Sessions – Application Closed Standard Room: Exhibitors $4,000 | Non-Exhibitors $6,500
Non-ASHG sponsored events held over the breakfast or lunch periods during the official Annual Meeting dates: Tuesday Oct. 25 through Friday Oct. 28, 2022. All Industry Education session will be held in dedicated meeting rooms at the Los Angeles Convention Center, where you will have the opportunity to order custom room setups, catering, AV, and other services to best suit your session’s needs. Due to limited space during the lunch periods, ASHG will only program one lunch event per company. Organizers may also request events during the breakfast period. The Industry Education session fee includes the room rental fee, a listing on the online planner/schedule of events and mobile app, and ASHG’s administrative cost; all services must be ordered and managed separately by the organizer.

A high-quality fixed theater room is available with comfortable powered seats and plenty of presenting space for an upgraded fee; contact [email protected] for details.

CoLab Sessions – Sold Out Exhibitors $5,000 | Non-Exhibitors $7,500
30-minute sessions held in theater-style setups on the Exhibit & Poster Hall floor during scientific session breaks, the lunch period, and during poster presentations. Examples of these sessions include product theaters, demonstrations, patient perspectives, Q&A sessions, and panels. The CoLab fee covers a portion of the total CoLab Theaters’ setups and A/V equipment rental, a listing on the online planner/schedule of events and mobile app, and ASHG’s administrative cost. These sessions are turnkey, meaning you show up with your speaker and present!
Satellite Symposia – Application Closed $4,000
Commercially sponsored, accredited educational events in the morning or evening during meeting dates: Tuesday Oct. 25 through Friday Oct. 28, 2022. A Satellite Symposium is typically scheduled in the headquarter hotel and may take place on Tuesday before 1:00 pm or Wednesday-Friday before or after sessions. The Satellite Symposium fee covers a listing on the online planner/schedule of events and mobile app and ASHG’s administrative cost. Satellite Symposia may not be held during lunch periods.
Ancillary Events – Application Closed No fees due to ASHG
Non-ASHG sponsored events held during meeting dates: Tuesday Oct. 25 through Saturday Oct. 29, 2022. Examples include business meetings, committee meetings, industry meet-and-greets, networking/social gatherings, or receptions. Ancillary events are not permitted to overlap scientific programming and may not be educational or promotional in nature.

Full rules and guidelines may be found on the Ancillary Events page. ASHG reserves the right to refuse to review any application that does not meet the criteria set forth in these guidelines. In addition, ancillary and industry events approved by ASHG shall in no way state or imply endorsement of or support by ASHG for the event, organizer, products, or services discussed in announcements or advertising, in any signage, or during the presentations.

Questions on Exhibiting With ASHG?
Visit our Exhibitor FAQ or email [email protected].


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