Empowering Families Through Cultural and Linguistic Services

38 Years of Impact

  • Community Investment

  • Families Served

  • Home Visits

Advocacy Work

Comprehensive Programs

  • Family Resource Center

    All children need love and support to grow and thrive.

  • Home Visitation

    Establish strong, positive communication between our case manager and parents and caregivers.

  • Enhanced Visitation + API Parental Stress Line

    Provide safe and neutral settings for non-custodial parents to visit with their children.

  • Youth Development

    Enhance young people’s strengths and promote positive outcomes.

  • Behavioral Health Program

    Connection between behaviors and the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.

  • Self-sufficiency

    Provide the tool and pathway to reach economic success.

The APAFSS Volunteer Network is committed to making a positive impact in the community.