

Italian to English

Contributors typically ask and answer questions about the English equivalents of Italian words and phrases. However, Italian is a Romance language whose roots trace back to classical Latin, and English is a Teutonic language whose roots trace back to Old German. So translations from Italian into English are not always predictable, literal or direct!

2,003 Questions

What is 'minga' when translated from Italian to English?

Oh, dude, "minga" in Italian translates to "penis." So, if you ever hear someone shouting "minga" in Italy, just know they're probably not talking about something you'd want to bring up at the dinner table. But hey, now you know!

What is 'Oh marone a mia' when translated from Italian to English?

The phrase "Oh marone a mia" in Italian is a regional dialect expression commonly used in Southern Italy, particularly in Naples. When translated to English, it loosely means "Oh my goodness" or "Oh my dear." The term "marone" is a dialectal variation of "madonna," a common exclamation in Italian.

What is 'un bacio di mano' when translated from Italian to English?

Ah, "un bacio di mano" in Italian is a lovely phrase that translates to "a kiss of the hand" in English. It's a gesture of respect and admiration, often seen in formal settings or as a sign of courtesy. Just like painting a happy little tree, it adds a touch of warmth and elegance to any interaction.

Is 'Poppi' 'grandfather' in Italian?

Yes, 'Poppi' may be an Italian equivalent of 'grandfather'. The word in Italian is pronounced 'POHP-pee'. It's a masculine gender noun whose equivalent in standard textbook Italian is 'nonno', which is pronounced 'NOHN-noh'.

What is the Italian 'Pisano' in English?

"Pisan" is an English equivalent of the Italian word pisano.

Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine adjective or noun. It literally means "from Pisa, Pisan." The pronunciation is "pee-ZAH-noh."

What is 'beloved' in Italian?

"Beloved" in Italian is "amato" when referring to a male, and "amata" when referring to a female. So, if you want to sweet talk someone in Italian, you can tell them they are your "amato" or "amata." Just make sure they don't think you're talking about pasta instead of professing your love!

What is the English translation of the Italian 'bruto'?

The English translation of the Italian word "bruto" is "rude" or "coarse." In English, it can refer to someone who is unrefined or lacking in manners. It can also describe something that is rough or unpolished in appearance or behavior.

What is the English translation of the Italian word 'tatone'?

The English translation of the Italian word 'tatone' is 'hesitate' or 'dawdle'. It is a verb that describes the action of moving slowly or cautiously, often due to uncertainty or indecision. In English, it can also convey the idea of being hesitant or tentative in one's actions.

What are the lyrics to 'Luna mezzo mare' when translated from Italian to English?

The lyrics to "Luna mezzo mare" translate to "Half moon in the sea" in English. The song is a traditional Italian folk song that humorously describes a man's attempts to court a woman, with references to Italian cultural elements such as fishing and cooking. The lyrics are playful and light-hearted, reflecting the traditional Italian style of storytelling through music.

What is 'tadone' when translated from Italian to English?

Well, darling, 'tadone' in Italian translates to 'done.' So, if you're feeling fancy and want to sound like you know a bit of Italian, just say 'tadone' instead of 'done.' But let's be real, it's all the same in the end.

What does 'adore mio' mean in Italian?

Ah, "adore mio" is a beautiful phrase in Italian that means "my love." It's like a gentle whisper of affection, like the soft brushstrokes of a painting. Just saying it can bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your face.

What is 'Tre giorni son che Nina' when translated from Italian to English?

Ah, "Tre giorni son che Nina" is a beautiful Italian song that translates to "Three days have passed since Nina." It speaks of the passage of time and perhaps longing for someone named Nina. Just like painting a serene landscape, music can also evoke deep emotions and memories.

What is 'Amici e vino devono essere vecchi' when translated from Italian to English?

Ah, what a lovely phrase! "Amici e vino devono essere vecchi" translates to "Friends and wine must be old." It means that good friendships, like fine wine, get better with time and age. Just like a beautiful painting, nurturing relationships and savoring moments with loved ones can bring joy and richness to our lives.

What is 'molto moderato e grazioso' when translated from Italian to English?

"Very moderate and graceful" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase molto moderato e grazioso. The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase regarding a music's tempo will be "MOL-to MO-dey-RA-to ey gra-TSYO-so" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of 'Whitney'?

Oh, dude, the Italian translation of 'Whitney' is 'Whitney'. Like, it's one of those names that doesn't really change much when you hop over to Italy. So, you can still be Whitney in Rome or Milan, no need to worry about a fancy translation for your name.

What does the Italian suffix ''issimo'' mean?

Oh, dude, the Italian suffix "issimo" is like the granddaddy of all suffixes. It's basically the Italian way of saying "super" or "extremely." So, if you add "issimo" to a word like "bello" (beautiful), you get "bellissimo" (very beautiful). It's like adding a cherry on top of your gelato, you know what I mean?

What is the English translation of the Italian 'in quelle trine morbide'?

Ah, what a lovely phrase! "In quelle trine morbide" translates to "in those soft laces" in English. It paints such a gentle and delicate picture, doesn't it? Just imagine the beauty you could create with those words as inspiration.

What is the reply to 'Ciao Bella' in Italian?

Oh, dude, the reply to 'Ciao Bella' in Italian is 'Ciao bello' if you're saying it to a guy. It's like a casual way to say 'hello handsome.' So, next time someone calls you 'Bella,' you can hit them back with a 'bello.' Cool, right?

What is the English translation of the Italian 'Donna di bell'aspetto'?

"Good-looking woman" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase donna di bell'aspetto.

Specifically, the feminine noun donna means "woman." The preposition di means "of." The masculine adjective bello* means "beautiful, handsome." The masculine noun aspetto means "aspect."

The pronunciation is "DOHN-nah dee BEHL-lah-SPEHT-toh."

*The ending vowel o drops before a noun that begins with a vowel. The temporary nature of that drop is indicated by an apostrophe immediately after the second l and immediately before the first letter in the following noun.

What is the origin of the prefix 'nona'?

The prefix 'nona' originates from Latin, where it means "nine." It is commonly used to indicate the ninth position in a series or to denote something that is not present or lacking.

What is 'la via bella' when translated from Italian to English?

"The beautiful path" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase la via bella.

Specifically, the feminine singular definite article la is "the". The feminine noun via means "path, road, way". The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful".

The pronunciation will be "la VEE-a BEL-la" in Italian.

What is 'Qual'è la tua materia preferita' when translated from Italian to English?

Qual'è la tua materia preferita? in Italian means "What is your favorite subject?" in English.