

Gymnastics Instruction

There are a number of exercises that make up gymnastic instructions. These exercises are designed to teach the right skills and disciplines of the sport. The hand-stand and cartwheel are some of the basic exercises.

104 Questions

How do you execute a back walkover?

You go into a back bridge then kick one of your legs back then the other one. To perform a back walkover, you should stand with both arms straight and up right. Your favorite foot ( I am a righty so I will use my right foot while explaining) in front of you with your leg extended, straight and toes pointed. As you reach backwards for the floor (as if you were attempting a back bend) you will pull your right leg over with you as you are reaching backward for the floor. Your legs will stay separated the entire time in as big of a split as you can make them. As your foot are approaching the ground you will land with your right leg first (straight and toes pointed) and arms should still be on your ears (or straight). Before planting your left leg on the ground you should show a "tee" position with your body. Because you are bent over at a 90 degree angle your right leg being straight and on the ground with your left leg still in the air directly behind you and your arms on your ears, it will look like the letter "T". Then you will plant your left leg on the on the ground into a lunge position.

How do you get over the fear of tumbling backwards?

ok this is really hard i was a gymnast for eight years and have fell on my head two times.

i was so scared so i quit. that was one of the biggest regrets of my life.

All can say is that you need to try to overcome this fear i tryed but failed it seemed that everytime i got to where i could kinda do it i just fell again i know it is hard but just take my word and DO NOT quit.. because believe me i did not think i would regret quiting but i did:(

just rember to keep your head up and keep tryin cuz i promise it is worth your time..

DO NOT GIVE UP!! i really want to do a backflip on the trampoline, but every time i try adrenaline stops me, just keep trying and it might take a long time but eventually you WILL DO IT trust me, heck it might even take over a year, but how bad do you want to do it? you should also try watching some backflip stuff on youtube that will help a lot! it might give you inspiration:I

What are some tips to learning a front handspring?

Tips for learning to do a front handspring might include:

  • Always have a "spotter" with you.
  • Make sure to do easy stretching first to warm up your muscles.
  • Remember that the head is the heaviest part of the body.
  • You'll need to tuck your chin slightly while still looking ahead.
  • The hips are hard to bring over.
  • The forward momentum comes from your legs.
  • Practice doing head-over rolls on a flat surface - such as a padded floor in a gym or on grass (no rocks).
  • Keeping the legs together OR lifting one leg followed by the other -- either one changes how you'll roll and come back up.

Should you go on the trampoline with your brother?

Simply because trampolines are dangerous, TWO on a trampoline is double trouble. When I was in gymnastics, the coach would NOT get on the trampoline with ANY of us, but would allow two at a time if we were very careful to synchronize our jumps. The Circus People that make it look so easy spend their entire day practicing.

P.s: It depends entirely on your relationship with your brother. Me on a trampoline with any of my brothers is simply out of the question, especially at my age.

How do you do a forward straddle stand roll?

For beginners you should put your hand on your head and pretend you look like a rooster. (I'm serious) Then fall down. If your left arm is up then roll over your right SHOULDER. I can't stress enough about how many people think you roll oer your head or side. If your right arm is up then roll over your left SHOULDER. This is called a backwards shoulder roll. If you want a video search backwards shoulder roll.

I teach it this way:

Bend your knees quickly to lower your center of gravity.

Push with your feet to push your self in a backwards direction.

Pull your knees in toward your chest.

Pick a shoulder and side to roll over on, you can't go straight back over your head.

Tuck at least one of your feet under you as you come over and stand up.

What are beginer gymnastics triks on the floor?


How do your hands have to be to do a backspring?

The physics of a back handspring are mostly focused around the gymnast's(or cheerleader's, acrobat's, etc...) center of gravity. The initial jump and the "sit back" in preparation of that jump are the most important steps in a back handspring. When sitting the athlete should keep shoulders directly over hips and knees directly over ankles, ultimately achieving a 90 degree angle in both the knees and ankles. This moves the center of gravity behind the feet of the athlete putting him/her out of balance. The problem here is, that means he/she is now falling backwards and most people have been unconsciously or consciously trying not to fall over their entire lives. And they've become so good at it that they don't even have to try. Our bodies instinctively correct our center of gravity so it will feel very wrong and be very difficult to convince your body to sit correctly. Jumping from this position will create a trajectory of approximately 45 degrees. This angle is necessary to create an efficient back handspring, ensuring power left over for subsequent skills (back tucks, fulls, etc...). The athlete should try to launch him or herself in a straight line as opposed to jumping in a rotational way, meaning think launch, not flip. Flipping in this way can cause undue stress to wrists and elbows, as well as requiring more muscle power from the athlete.

Think of a bow and arrow with a fishing line and hook hanging from the arrowhead. When that bow is fired, it shoots the arrow in a straight line, the arrow doesn't flip end over end, but if the hook catches something, the arrows trajectory will cause it to flip. the fishing line supports no weight, but when it pulls on the head of the arrow and the back of the arrow wants to keep going, it flips over.

The hook is your hands, the line is your arms and the arrow is the rest of your body. Sit back into that falling backward position, like a chair, jump at a 45 degree angle (approx.), keep your head and shoulders shooting at that angle and reach your hands and only your hands for the floor. when your hands catch the floor, if the rest of your body is still trying to shoot up and back instead of down, the flip will happen easily. just pull your toes over the top to land on your feet.

That 45 degree angle also means a long low back handspring. There is a law in physics that say every change in direction = a loss of power. Long low Back handspring = more power left over at the end.

Basic positions in gymnastics while standing sitting kneeling etc?

  1. Feet Together
  2. Stride Position
  3. Lunge Position
  4. Half-Knee Bend
  5. Squat Position

What do you if your scared to jump to the high bar in gymnastics?

Sorry to tell you this, but there is nothing really to help you. You just have to prepare yourself mentally and GO FOR IT!!! Just don't chicken out, there is a reason you have coaches, they will catch you when you fall. So just stay tight, swing it over. Be sure not to bend your elbows because you cannot get a second giant if your first one is sloppy and it is a lot scarier to do one the wrong way.

Are there any tricks or drills for doing a backward shoulder roll on the beam?

The back extension roll on the beam is hard, so, be prepared to work for it. The most important thing you can do in the back extension roll is keep your shape, and push through your shoulders. However, there are a few drills you can try:

1. Do candle sticks on the beam, placing your hands as you would for the extension roll. Start from a standing position, and do it faster and faster.

2. Practice your handstands. Do every type of handstand, until you could literally do them in your sleep. This WILL help with the step down.

3. A common problem in the extension on beam is the gymnast will push harder with one shoulder than the other. To prevent this, do handstand shoulder touches, and shoulder shrugs. Practice pushing through both shoulders hard, even if this means doing numerous handstands on the floor. Shoulder shrugs are when you do a handstand, either with or without a wall to lean against, and you sag through your shoulders, then push up. Handstand shoulder touches are when you do a handstand with or without a wall to lean on, and you lift your right hand and touch it to your right shoulder, left hand to left shoulder, etc.

Most importantly, practice. The back extension roll on beam really has no great drills, so you just have to go for it. It may take a year, or it may take a matter of days. Just be patient, and it will come.

If you are landing on your hair when you do the back extension on beam, put it in a bun, a very low ponytail, or low braids for competition.

Squeeze your butt muscles when you are rolling down! This will help keep you straight with the beam!

What category is a candlestick in relation to in gymnastics?

In gymnastics, "sticking the landing" is when a gymnast lands a vault, dismount, or tumbling pass without moving his or her feet. Any step or hop is a deduction, except in women's floor exercise. In that event, women can take a single step back into a lunge without getting a deduction. Stuck landings are very difficult, even for professional gymnasts; therefore, they are very exciting to see.

How do you do a straddle split handstand?

Stunting is very dangerous, and should only be done under the supervision of a trained coach and on mats. First you need 4 bases and a flyer. This is your stunt group. You will stand in a formation like this:

(Front Spot) X

(Side Base) X * X(Main Base) *=Flier

(Back Spot) X

The most basic stunt is a prep. The bases well bend down a little and cup their hands. The flier will stand with her hands on the bases shoulders. The backspot will hold the fliers waist. Front spot stand by. The back will count 1-2-down-up. Here is a step by step of what each component of the group will do from here

Flier: On down, bend your legs, on up push off the bases shoulders with your hands and put your feet in their hands. Then stand up straight and lock your legs.

Bases: On the word up the fliers feet will land in your hands. Start to lift rotating your hands as you do so that the hell on the fliers foot is on one palm with your fingers toward her ankles and the ball of her foot is on your other palm with your fingers over her toes.

Back: On up, help lift the flier into the bases hands, then push her butt into the air. Once she's up, hold her ankles or thighs.

Front: On up push the fliers ankles up and once she's up hold her knees or the bases wrists
a stunt is very fun but can also be hard. a stunt group has five people, a backspot, frontspot, a flyer and 2 bases. the most important people of the stunt are the bases and flyer but everyone is still needed. the count to get into a stunt are 1 2 and then the bases push the flyer up after she had jumped into their hands. when its time to cradle the backspot will call cradle 1 2 and the you wil cradle.

What are the steps of a level four gymnastics floor routine?

The floor routine goes, hop hop, straight jump, split jump, handstand forward roll, side chase, handstand to bridge kick-over, three step run into a leap, split, two prance steps, weight transfer, stright arm backward roll (in a pike), step, step, half turn, and round off back hand spring. There is also dance elements in the routine.

What are the equipment and facilities used for gymnastics activities?

It depends how advanced the gym pupils want to become. The better the equipment the easier it is to progress, but here are a few things that are useful for gymnastics:

Beam (not needed for boys)


Bars (asymetric for girls, parallel for boys)

Sprung floor

Pommel horse (boys only)

Rings (boys only)

Foam pit (useful for practicing trickier skills so you can have a soft landing)

Chalk and handguards so you prevent blisters and rips when on bars

Trampets can be useful

Mats of course for safety! Very important!

Weights etc. for conditioning

What are the different body position in gymnastic?

There are 22 unique basic positions in gymnastics. These positions are tuck, straddle, side split, front split, puck, planch, pike, over grip, under grip, open shoulders, closed shoulders, open hips, closed hips, lunge, layout, hollow, head in, head out, handstand, candlestick, bridge, and arch.

What if your scared to jump to the high bar at gymnastics?

You may have a coach spot you, or if that is not possible, practice swinging on a single high bar or on a high bar over a pit to get used to being up high. Then you may set the high bar a bit lower or stack mats under it and see if that helps you. If having the coach stand there is possible, that would be the best solution. In a case like this, sometimes it helps to just suck it up and try. Remember that no one would ask you to do it if you weren't able.

What is the thickness of the balance beam?

The thickness of a balance beam is 4 inches wide 6 inches tall and 14 and a half feet long.

What skills are needed for level 4 gymnastics?

On vault, a flatback on to a mat stack

On bars, a glide swing, a pull-over, a shoot-through, a stride circle, a cast back hip circle to underswing dismount.

On beam, heel snap turn in coupe, leap, handstand, half turn in coupe, straight jump, tuck jump, scale, side handstand quarter turn dismount

On floor, straight jump, split jump, handstand forward roll, handstand bridge kickover, leap, hop, split, backwards pike roll, half turn in coupe, round off back handspring rebound.

I hope this helps you!


What are the steps of a level 1 beam routine?

do your mount then do a heelsnap turn then step back then leap then handstand then snap snap then pivot turn then half turn then cartwheel then do straight jumps then split jumps then scale then turn then dismount

How do you do a split handstand?

if you're talking about a press handstand, the main thing you have to do is put all of your weight over your wrists to keep balance. you also need to have a ton of core strength.

What are the 74 gymnastic position?

i dont know all 74, but i do know some:

tuck, pike, straddle, hollow, arch, lunge, uhh...

What is the best way to learn to parkour?

Try Gymnastics training and weightlifting. While Gymnastics probably doesn't sound like it has any place in the action-packed world of Parkour, it really helps when you're navigating above, by, and through physical objects. Weightlifting is good practice too, considering that you will be doing a lot of climbing if you want to be very good at it the art of Parkour. Unlike gymnastics though, parkour is done wearing tanktops, loose fitting jeans, and sneakers, instead of a tight one-piece that looks like footed pajamas. Parkour is where you're navigating around, through, and above physical objects, whether it's a jungle or London rooftops. For practice, go to a vacant playground with a playset and practice jumping through holes, over rails, and try to swing your arms and land on your toes when jumping long distances. Remember though, start out slow. Nobody ever jumps six feet over a rail on their first parkour run. Message me for more Parkour questions. Live it. Love it. Jump it.

Stride Position in Gymnastics?

1. lay on floor with knees bent and hands to the side

2. standing. one knee bent, back bent forward a little, hands crossed in front

3. lay with your left hip on the ground, left leg bent, right leg straight, left arm extended and straight, right arm bent.

4. sitting, left leg extended, right leg bent up to chest, arms in front in any position

5. standing, right leg straight, left leg crossed behind right leg( toe pointed under), left arm opposite left toe, right arm pointed to left toe, looking at left toe

6. on right knee, left leg extended straight, bent over with arms pointing to toes

7. on right knee, left leg extended straight, leaning back so your whole body is at an angle, right arm by ear, left arm opposite.