Here is an old verse to remember it by;-
'Thirty days hath September,
April June and November.
All the rest have thirty one,
Excepting February alone,
Which has twenty days clear,
And twenty nine days in a Leap Year'.
I learnt this verse when I was about 8 years old. now I'm 78year old, and still use the verse.
Some of the most famous Christian leaders of the 21st century include Pope Francis, Billy Graham, and Rick Warren. They have had a significant impact on the world through their teachings, humanitarian work, and efforts to promote peace and social justice. Pope Francis is known for his focus on helping the poor and marginalized, while Billy Graham and Rick Warren have reached millions through their preaching and writing, inspiring many to embrace Christianity and live out their faith in practical ways.
Some of the most influential philosophers of the 21st century include Judith Butler, Slavoj iek, and Martha Nussbaum. Their ideas have shaped contemporary thought by challenging traditional beliefs about gender, politics, and ethics, and by promoting new ways of thinking about identity, power, and social justice.
Who are considered the best philosophers of the 21st century?
Some of the best philosophers of the 21st century include Martha Nussbaum, Slavoj iek, and Judith Butler.
Who are considered the top theologians of the 21st century?
Some of the top theologians of the 21st century include figures like Pope Benedict XVI, Rowan Williams, and Stanley Hauerwas. These individuals have made significant contributions to the field of theology through their writings and teachings.
Who are considered to be the greatest philosophers of the 21st century?
Some of the greatest philosophers of the 21st century include Slavoj iek, Martha Nussbaum, and Judith Butler.
Oh, dude, let me grab my calculator real quick... Alright, so it's 2021 now, right? And 2021 minus 1987 is like... 34 years ago. So, yeah, 1987 was 34 years ago. Math is hard, man.
It is Military slang. It is usually used to refer to any time when the sun isn't up, usually between mid-night and 4 am or so. Most operations start at Oh dark thirty, much earlier than a normal 'person' would think civilized.
0-Dark-30 is 30 minutes before sunrise.
0-dark-30 refers to a time (any time really) where the sun isn't up, but you are(and you're probably working). It doesn't mean military, but generally this is when Military members have a lot of work, so it applies well to them.
How Many Days are there in 100 weeks?
Well, honey, if you can count to 7, then you can figure this one out. There are 700 days in 100 weeks. So, grab a calendar and start marking off those days like a boss!
What are the names for events that occur every 5 years?
Events that occur every 5 years are often referred to as quinquennial events. Another term that can be used is quinquennium, which refers to a period of five years. These terms are commonly used in various fields such as academia, government, and business to describe events or milestones that happen on a five-year cycle.
What was significant about last Thursday?
Last Thursday was significant because it marked the anniversary of a historical event or the occurrence of a major event that had a significant impact on society.
How many times has March 24 fallen on Good Friday since 1967?
Well, darling, I hate to break it to you, but March 24 has fallen on Good Friday twice since 1967 - once in 1978 and then again in 1989. So, if you were hoping for more excitement in that department, I'm afraid you're out of luck. But hey, at least now you know!
How many weeks are in 73 days?
Oh, dude, let me grab my calculator real quick... Okay, so 73 days divided by 7 days in a week gives us about 10.428571 weeks, but we can't really have a fraction of a week, so let's round down to 10 weeks. So, like, there you have it, 73 days is roughly 10 weeks.
Oh, dude, like 2 months is around 8 weeks. I mean, give or take a day or two, but who's really counting, right? So, if you're planning something in 2 months, just know you've got about 8 weeks to procrastinate before you have to actually do it.
Why does a year have 365 days but calculates to 364 days?
There is actually 364.something amount of days in an actual year and there is 365 days in a leap year A year is 365.24 days. This is calculated by the stars (sidereal year), we use a leap year to even out the minor discrepancies (2000 was not a leap year), but we are slightly off the sidereal year most of the time. The leap year has 366 days.
As a riddle answer, you might say "All of them have 25" along with 3 to 6 more days.
However, in the commonly used calendar (the Gregorian Calendar), no month has exactly 25 days. The months may have 28, 29, 30, or 31 days.
In a week, there are 7 days. So you just divide 32 by 7, or 32/7, to get a total of 4 weeks. But 4 weeks is just 28 days. So you subtract 28 from 32, or 32-28, to get 4. So you have 4 weeks and 4 days in 32 days.
To be exact: there are 91 days. Why: The months in spring are September, October and November. September has 30 days, October has 31 days and November has 30 days so ...
30+31+30 = 91
In which month does the 100th day of the year occur?
The 100th day of the year falls on April 10th in a standard year and April 9th in a leap year. This calculation is based on the Gregorian calendar, which has 365 days in a common year and 366 days in a leap year. January has 31 days, February has 28 days (29 in a leap year), March has 31 days, and April has 9 days to reach the 100th day of the year.
Is there really only 364 days in a year?
Oh, what a happy little question! In fact, there are typically 365 days in a year, but every four years we add an extra day in February, making it 366 days. This special year is called a leap year, and it helps keep our calendars in harmony with the Earth's orbit around the sun.
Frebruary has 28 days , and 29 days in a leap year.
Here is the verse to remember it all.
'Thirty days hath September,
April, June, nd November.
All the rest have thirty one,
Excepting February alone,
Which has 28 days each year,
And 29 days in a leap year'.
NB A Leap Year is tghe year date number , which is divisible by '4' . e.g. 2020 / 4 = 505
However 2021/ 4 = 505 remainder '1' so not a leap year.