Table 1: Details of market sites, their elevation and coordinates market sites as per the different sellers have been given below in Table 2: prepared samples were taken as per FRI guidelines which are given below: Fig. 1 Flow chart showing outline of staining procedure anatomical features and the procedure adopted is given below: Yooden samples soaked in water fo: maximum absorption Universal Testing Machine *Value in parenthesis is square root transformed value Pande and Singh (2005) observed within tree variations in the anatomical Modulus of Elasticity perpendicular to grain (kN/mm’) Table 6: Variation in Compression strength perpendicular and parallel to grain (kN/mm’) different age gradation viz., three, four and five years of Melia dubia wood ) Bending Modulus of Elasticity (kN/mm/’) The data pertaining to bending modulus of elasticity of Shisham wood collected from the different sites are presented in Table 9. The maximum value Table 9: Variation in Tensile and Bending Modulus of Elasticity (kN/mm7) Saravanan et al. (2014) studied the mechanical properties of Melia dubia Analysis of variance for moisture content (%) of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for specific gravity of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for fibre length (mm) of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for fibre diameter (mm) of Dalbergia sissoo woot Analysis of variance for vessel diameter (mm) of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for tensile strength (kKN/mm/”) of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for bending strength (kN/mm7”) of Dalbergia sissoo wood Analysis of variance for tensile modulus of elasticity (kN/mm7”) of Dalbergia sissoo wood