absent on the German /imes and thought that they were purely Celtic, Further examples have merely confirmed this picture and it can now be seen that the type is restricted to northern Britain. Those from Castleford are the most southerly recorded though the British Museum possesses an example possibly from Gloucestershire (Allason-Jones and Miket 1984, 51). Few are well dated. One from Newstead, Borders is Flavian (Curle 1911, pl. xci, 21) whilst that from Great Chesters, Northumbria (Allason-Jones and Miket 1984, 48) must be Hadrianic or later. Taken together with the Castleford evidence a Ist to 2nd-century date may be suggested for these forms. 1995, fig. 495, 929). Only one possible example of a cochleria was recovered from the Castleford excavations.