Table 2 Case studies characteristics In all regions rural transformation included changes to the economic structures, and al. included changes to agricultural structures as well- though to varying degrees and in differen’ ways. The Border, Midland and Western Region (BMW) of Ireland illustrates changes to the agricultural sector and rural areas in an economy which has experienced a radical shift from largely primary sector based to a tertiary sector based economy. The Cordoba province in Spain is an example of agricultural specialization into olive oil production alongside diversification of the rural economy resulting among other in counter-urbanization. Transformation in the Panagyurishte-Velingrad region in Bulgaria has taken place most recently as a consequence of the political transition from the late 1990s onwards. The case illustrates the difficulties in adapting tc a market economy anda largely changed policy framework, with some positive outcomes in the development of the tourism sector but also still deficient availability of services of genera interest, and the situation particularly for small and subsistence farmers. Regional case studies aim to illustrate typical transformation pathways and policy responses o! rural transformation in Europe, to overcome the difficulties in establishing generalizations abou influencing factors, their interdependencies and effects caused by the complexity of rura transformation processes. Three regions in Bulgaria, Spain and Ireland were chosen to provide insights into three different typical rural transformation processes; within different, but typica European contexts constituted by varying physical, social, economic and institutional conditions Table 2 gives an overview of main characteristics of the selected regions and illustrate that they differ substantially in size, population, land use and economic structures by applying the rura. typologies of EU-LUPA and EDORA (see 2.2 for further explanations). As the European policy framework has major implication for rural transformation it is important to note that the three countries have accessed the EU at different points in time: Ireland has become a member of the European Community in 1973; Spain in 1986 and Bulgaria in 2007.