Table 1: Top-down and bottom-up linguistic landscape in Odiongan, Romblon Based on table 1, all linguistic landscapes constructed in a religious body, school and governmental institution in the municipality of Odiongan are hierarchically authoritative (with one exemption from the church)—that is, those agents make public signs with the legitimized power. The power relations of the providers and consumers of language, specifically those displayed in the public arena, represent the sociolinguistic identity of the language users and members of a specific social group (Huebner, 2006). The power relationships of the people of Odiongan are also manifested through the linguistic landscape promoted by the authorities in claiming their command, while its consumers and readers utilize the available linguistic landscape to solidify their membership in the community. SE Lee Te AE ee The school and government agencies both comprise the top-down approach to constructing the linguistic landscape. These societal bodies imply that the full authority in constructing linguistic and social roles emanated from those who hold power and control over the large groups of the community. This also implies that school, as the supposed source of knowledge, becomes a candidate for educators to represent their control over language resources and users. Or, it can also be implied that because the study includes a primary education-providing institution, signs made by students (thus, classified as bottom-up) may be scarce. On the other hand, the government also posits its solidifying authority through the public signs it displays. The available and publicly-displayed signs in the site of the study depict the social constructions in Odiongan and the Philippines at large, whereby governmental agencies are the ones who remind the public about the activities of the community and its othe1 engagements. This further implies the role of the government—that is, amalgamator of the diversified members of the community. The said role of the government is also practised through the linguistic landscape through which their announcements invite heterogeneous community members. Figures 2 and 3 are samples of linguistic landscape in school and government, respectively. Fig. 2: Reminder from the School Fig. 5: An Advertisement in Church Premises On the other hand, it is surprising to find that the church displays the public sign among the three sectors, which shows the emergence of the English language. This sign is also initially categorized as bottom-up because it is not from the church authorities but represents a business promoted by an individual entity. The emergence of this specific landscape can be attributed (o the church's power. Because the church is a common place to visit on specific days, the Dusiness poster may attract possible clients. On the other hand, the language usage mix in this ad may be implicative of the nature of the service it offers—a dental clinic and a spa. Figures 4 and 5 show the distribution of language in church. Fig. 4: A Bilingual Church Reminder Figure 6: A Monolingual Poster in School Figure 6 not only entails the school's language usage but also represents the social issue concerning the school. Littering has become one of the alarming issues in Philippine educational institutions. This specific linguistic landscape also captures the semiotic responsibility of the linguistic landscape, i.e., to address the problem of the society and offe1 possible solutions. Burenhult and Levinson (2008) also posit that language and landscape collaborate to present the cognitive-ontological possibilities emanating from language use. On the other hand, figure 7 reflects a monolingually-Filipino poster about a reminder from the school administration. This poster contradicts the first assumption that only English affords comprehension to a larger population. Moreover, the presence of a single language in a specific poster is attributable to the genre it Figure 10: Reminder for hospital patients Reactive relationships among language consumers may also appear in health-related reminders. Figure 10 embodies this functionality.