Table 12 Source: Roybens, 2005 p. 99 The Conversion Factors
Related Figures (18)
Item Wise Frequency Distribution for Indicator Collaborative Learning Listening to Parents’ Voices: Methodological Concerns One-fifth of the population very often discussed with people with religious beliefs other than their own, while little less than one-fifth did it often. Little less than one- third had it sometimes while less than one-third never discussed with people with religious beliefs other than their own. Objective 2: To analyze the frequency of students’ discussion with diverse others during an academic session. less than half of the population learns collaboratively with peers. The overall distribution is almost equal in often and never categories. Table 3 Average Frequency Distribution for Indicator Collaborative Learning Average Frequency Distribution for Engagement Indicator Discussion with Diverse Others Divergence of Learning with Peers From table 5, the value of x? is 233.97 which is beyond the limit of Standard table. The discrepancy between the observed and expected value is so great that the hypothesis of normal distribution in this group must be rejected. Hence, the frequency of learning with peers is not distributed normally. Two-fifth of the students come to class without completing readings or assignments. They are not putting any effort in preparing for class. They have other priorities hence they have figured out that it is not necessary to read everything that is being assigned them, to do well in class. State wise Number of Migrant Children on Construction Sites of B.H.U. and their Schooling Status Human Rights Based Approach Principles Principles of HRBA Source: Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) 2013 0° Allotment of seats to students from weaker and disadvantaged sections under RTE in Gujarat 2013-14 n=50 (Number of beneficiaries) Variables showing beneficiaries’ participation in teaching learning process Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators Figure 1: Variables showing beneficiaries’ participation in teaching learning process