Figure 1: Imperial garden of Yuanming Yuan, Haidian, Beijing Figure 2: Sir William Temple’s garden at Moorpark, Farnham, Surrey b Johannes Kipp their writer. published in book form in both Britain and America ensuring they outlived Figure 5: Summer house said to have been Addison’s favourite seat at Bilton Hall, Warwickshire. Reproduced from Our Warwickshire website (Rugby Library) Figure 6: The bridge designed and built by Halfpenny in its setting Figure 7: The pagoda at Marybone House, Gloucester, painted by Thomas Dinkene Lhe olde chm axeedern eo aedttihe Baa the mpremmew nl! Geet Figure 9: William Halfpenny design for a Banqueting House in the Chinese Taste costing £350 Figure 10: William Halfpenny’s design for a small temple in the Gothic taste the Order of the Polar Star.°® maintained business connections in Sweden where he was made a Knight of Figure 12: Chambers’ view of the lake and island with pagoda in the distance Figure 13: Chambers’ design for Kew pagoda with passages from the Koran.® In the menagerie was a pool with Figure 14: Chambers’ design for a ‘ting’ Figure 15: Elevation and plan of the House of Confucius which predated Chambers’ work at Kew bowl in which his favourite cat Selima drowned. retained Chinese objects in his collection, including the large ceramic fis] Figure 18: The Western Palaces at Yuanming Yuan