A member of the audience stressing a point during the question time  received little attention from serious researchers”.  VYULICALITT UL SULIdI TIUUITIAZALUUIT activities”. She added that because knowledge around positive sexual health practices is contrary to many cultural, religious as well as traditional values and practices, many people, therefore, experience feelings of dissidence regarding these mass media campaigns. To achieve results, she advocated a move towards research that assists “individuals to work out solutions for themselves within their own value system and within a receptive society”. Research gaps identified were in the areas of values, cultures, traditions, beliefs and religion and the ways in which

Figure 8 A member of the audience stressing a point during the question time received little attention from serious researchers”. VYULICALITT UL SULIdI TIUUITIAZALUUIT activities”. She added that because knowledge around positive sexual health practices is contrary to many cultural, religious as well as traditional values and practices, many people, therefore, experience feelings of dissidence regarding these mass media campaigns. To achieve results, she advocated a move towards research that assists “individuals to work out solutions for themselves within their own value system and within a receptive society”. Research gaps identified were in the areas of values, cultures, traditions, beliefs and religion and the ways in which