To summarize, one can construct a hyperdoctrine with the same base cat- egory as before and with processes as the objects in the fibres. The arrows in the fibres are instances of the simulation preorder. Parallel composition plays the role of tensor product and “ask” and “tell” are adjoints, show- ing that there is a limited notion of implication between processes. In the determinate language the parallel composition plays the role of Cartesian product whereas in the indeterminate language the choice construct acts as the Cartesian product.   5. Simulation Morphisms

Table 1 To summarize, one can construct a hyperdoctrine with the same base cat- egory as before and with processes as the objects in the fibres. The arrows in the fibres are instances of the simulation preorder. Parallel composition plays the role of tensor product and “ask” and “tell” are adjoints, show- ing that there is a limited notion of implication between processes. In the determinate language the parallel composition plays the role of Cartesian product whereas in the indeterminate language the choice construct acts as the Cartesian product. 5. Simulation Morphisms