Table 5. Descriptive statistics for the KPIs in hatcheries, and the number of data collected for each measure  Table 6. Correlations (below diagonal for seabass hatcheries, above diagonal for seabream hatcheries) among survival at different ages with their associated standard errors  Correlations among survival at different ages are in Table 6. For seabass, survival at the end of weaning was significantly (p<0.01) correlated with survival from 0-30 dph, whereas it was not significantly correlated  with survival from 0-10 dph and survival from 0-20 dph. For seabream, survival at the end of weaning was not significantly correlated with survival at any earlier age.

Table 5 Descriptive statistics for the KPIs in hatcheries, and the number of data collected for each measure Table 6. Correlations (below diagonal for seabass hatcheries, above diagonal for seabream hatcheries) among survival at different ages with their associated standard errors Correlations among survival at different ages are in Table 6. For seabass, survival at the end of weaning was significantly (p<0.01) correlated with survival from 0-30 dph, whereas it was not significantly correlated with survival from 0-10 dph and survival from 0-20 dph. For seabream, survival at the end of weaning was not significantly correlated with survival at any earlier age.