Example Synoptic view of the openings of (above) F. Dieupart, Gigue I (A) and (below) G. Le Roux, Suite IV, Gigue (A).  ISR S UNM Rn eee tenerernssinnns Use areenernnn wwe age ORNs ENA SEMMS IE: ENS SE ES EE = eee eee aaa iceman = “aici <> SR maaan aia  such measures (FDBR/2021, § 18, esp. p. 87, with Ex.), incidentally also practicing expansions. May therefore the dispute, who may have inspired Bach in 1714-’17 to his imposing Prélude to the first  English Suite, be settled forever: It clearly was Francois Dieupart. At the same time, equally Le Roux — a composer about whom very little is definitively known — was evidently imitating Dieupart’s gigue in his 1705 edition, its repertoire actually being probably composed as early as in the late 17" century already, as the old- style void notes notation of his preludes non mesurés suggests. Still, as can be confirmed now — perhaps interestingly, partially confirming abovementioned estimation — at least this Gigue ‘a /’imitation de Mr. Dieupart’  may well be dated as: ‘not before 1695’.**!   Also, in D’Andrieu’s (‘adult’) Second Livre de Piéces de Clavecin from 1728, Troisiéme Suite (d/D) Ouverture La Magiciéne (4), its first section (mm. 1-10) represents clearly recognizably a diminuted version o Dieupart’s Ouverture III (b), Section 1 (mm. 1-17) skipping half way seven measures (mm. 6“-13™): a mere cas of copy and paste.

Figure 135 Example Synoptic view of the openings of (above) F. Dieupart, Gigue I (A) and (below) G. Le Roux, Suite IV, Gigue (A). ISR S UNM Rn eee tenerernssinnns Use areenernnn wwe age ORNs ENA SEMMS IE: ENS SE ES EE = eee eee aaa iceman = “aici <> SR maaan aia such measures (FDBR/2021, § 18, esp. p. 87, with Ex.), incidentally also practicing expansions. May therefore the dispute, who may have inspired Bach in 1714-’17 to his imposing Prélude to the first English Suite, be settled forever: It clearly was Francois Dieupart. At the same time, equally Le Roux — a composer about whom very little is definitively known — was evidently imitating Dieupart’s gigue in his 1705 edition, its repertoire actually being probably composed as early as in the late 17" century already, as the old- style void notes notation of his preludes non mesurés suggests. Still, as can be confirmed now — perhaps interestingly, partially confirming abovementioned estimation — at least this Gigue ‘a /’imitation de Mr. Dieupart’ may well be dated as: ‘not before 1695’.**! Also, in D’Andrieu’s (‘adult’) Second Livre de Piéces de Clavecin from 1728, Troisiéme Suite (d/D) Ouverture La Magiciéne (4), its first section (mm. 1-10) represents clearly recognizably a diminuted version o Dieupart’s Ouverture III (b), Section 1 (mm. 1-17) skipping half way seven measures (mm. 6“-13™): a mere cas of copy and paste.