Example Synoptic view of two passages, A (left) and B (right) in: (a) (above) Frangois Couperin, Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux for Organ (in C) from the Messe pour les paroisses, and (b, below) Francois Dieupart, Gigue IT (in D), ‘Ensemble Version’ (transp. resp. Gand C). In Dieupart (b) red notes quote from Couperin’s Upper Part, blue notes from his Middle and/or Bass Part.  A second argument ‘contra Dieupart’ as auctor is, that this Gigue II itself seems to quote, apparently as an homage (v.i.), two passages from Francois Couperin’s principal Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux (in C major) from his Messe pour les paroisses, from which actually in this same Gigue II seemingly already another passage was borrowed (see the following Ex., showing both parallels).°*4

Figure 104 Example Synoptic view of two passages, A (left) and B (right) in: (a) (above) Frangois Couperin, Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux for Organ (in C) from the Messe pour les paroisses, and (b, below) Francois Dieupart, Gigue IT (in D), ‘Ensemble Version’ (transp. resp. Gand C). In Dieupart (b) red notes quote from Couperin’s Upper Part, blue notes from his Middle and/or Bass Part. A second argument ‘contra Dieupart’ as auctor is, that this Gigue II itself seems to quote, apparently as an homage (v.i.), two passages from Francois Couperin’s principal Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux (in C major) from his Messe pour les paroisses, from which actually in this same Gigue II seemingly already another passage was borrowed (see the following Ex., showing both parallels).°*4