Source: Figure 2: A Rural Livelihoods Framework in Conflict Source: [Provincial Planning and Services Department, 2004: 55] border DS Divisions of Anuradhapura District 2003 communities Table 3: Respondents’ characterisation of poor and rich households in displaced While there have been claims that the condition of the displaced in border villages has Source: Adapted from Table 1 and 1.20, [Department of Census and Statistics, 2003: 11 and 31] in district and DS Divisions in 2002 Table 6: Percentage of land use pattern by District and DS Divisions 2002 before the war by displaced community category in the region before and during the war and after the CFA Source: Case studies before and during, and after the CFA (Multiple Response) find work before and during the war and after the CFA fable 11: Respondent opinion on if there has been a tendency to leave the village to Source: Department of Social Services, Kachcheri, Anuradhapura [Arachchi, 1998: 29] Anuradhapura District, and Horowpathana and Medawachchiya DS Divisions 1997 Source: Anuradhapura Districts, Census of Population and Housing 2001, Department of Census and Table A: Border DS and GN Divisions used in the selection of the sites for the study Table B: Sampled DS Divisions, GN Divisions and Villages Source: Case studies Source: [DCS & WFP, 2004] Level of vulnerability: 1 - Most vulnerable, 2 - More vulnerable, 3 — Less vulnerable, Source: Adapted from Table 4.3 [IPS, 2004: 40. Table F: State and Private Sector Land distribution in Sri Lanka (1982) I. LIVELIHOOD ASSETS: NATURAL CAPITAL Source: Adapted from Table 4.4 [IPS, 2004: 41] Table G: Sectoral land use in Sri Lanka Division level and sex ° A system of rotational cultivation which has as its main purpose is to prevent the further subdivision of the operational unit in paddy whilst allowing a family member to retain a tenancy with family land. Cultivation is adjusted amongst several owners to meet the scarcity of land and could be within a particular year or season. Because the periodical rotation could vary from once is five to seven years the cultivator is forced to be a member of several thattumaru rotations simultaneously to ensure some access to land. Table I: Literacy levels of population aged 10 years and over by District, DS 2. LIVELIHOOD ASSETS: HUMAN CAPITAL Table K: Employed population aged 10 years and over by District, DS Division level, main occupation and sex Source: Anuradhapura Districts, Census of Population and Housing 2001, Department of Census and Statistics