Figure 2. (c) The handleEorZEvent procedure  After handling all E events, the procedure then continues to handle all Z events (lines 17-27). In (line 18) the procedure checks heap Hy for any tasks whose laxity became zero. If such task exists, then it will preempt the task with the minimum remaining execution time from heap He after updating its key to the next time when it will fire an E event (lines 20, 22-26). The preempted task from heap He will be added to heap Hy after setting its key to the next time when it will fire a Z event (lines 19, 21, 27).

Figure 2 (c) The handleEorZEvent procedure After handling all E events, the procedure then continues to handle all Z events (lines 17-27). In (line 18) the procedure checks heap Hy for any tasks whose laxity became zero. If such task exists, then it will preempt the task with the minimum remaining execution time from heap He after updating its key to the next time when it will fire an E event (lines 20, 22-26). The preempted task from heap He will be added to heap Hy after setting its key to the next time when it will fire a Z event (lines 19, 21, 27).