Thirty secondsof conversation in a project-based leaming c lasswom might “That's what Isaid. like a peachy color. A peeeachycobr.” almost spiitual dimension. I feels like a magicalplace wher authentic nvolvemen majority of ourstudents appv. This is illustrated in the folo wing table: “We're just throwing spaghetti ai the wall to see what works.” Patricks recollection of the gmwup wasa Students experienced judgment and ridicule from their classmates. “Unnecessary comments” made it difficult for shidents to share their ideas. each other, and that this affected what students foc used on dumng c lass. beginning ofthe year, the students made rude commentsto one another, picked or overall there were many days where students would speakand be shut down by others. The pie charts graphic ally ilustrate the numberof students who score highly as Higure 4 - Steemberg’s Ieaming Style Survey Figure 6 — Blog and Assignment Item List can only geta checkmark Ff they are two ormor dayslate, they can only getanX. to one anotheras possible. (See Appendix H) The finalphase ofthe artworkhad the students drafting theirpages with rulers design process. Students experienced the pressures of a professional workplace environment. They worked in teams to meet deadfines and produce quality end products. leamed about drawing comics. Asshe began Figure 8 — Reflection on Challenges expectations of this project, too. but even pwtocolscannot prevent people from loudly through the differences in theiro pinions. I Stidents developed new understanding: of one another after working closely together on a group project. acing each otheracwess the table. Early on im the drafting phase, Isaton my stoolan another thr ugh the colaboration of theirideas, and just virtually by sitting together