Fig. 26 Pottery kiln of settlement phase 1b at Aigeira in Achaea (photo: T. Rémer; © OAT)  Pl: Eva Alram-Stern; project staff: Mario Borner  Excavations in the sett Achaia have revealed 12" and early 11™ cen  ury BCE.  ement at Aigeira on the coast of the Corinthian Gulf in the ancient region an important phase covering the Mycenaean post-palatial period of the  Excavations have taken place from 1975 until 1981 under the  auspices of the Austrian Archaeological Institute (director: Wilhelm Alzinger). E. Alram-Stern has been working on the publica  palatial habitation on t the analysis of the stra  he acropo  ion of the stratigraphy and architecture of the Mycenaean post- is of Aigeira that will be presented in a single volume. In 2017,  igraphic units have produced a stratigraphic matrix that allows drawing a  detailed picture of the three Mycenaean settlement phases. Especially settlement phase 1b (Late Helladic HIC Early — Developed ated within the settlement and were closely connected to houses of craftsmen. An updraft kiln  may be interpreted as  pottery ki  ) has left significant remains. Workshops were apparently situ-  n (Fig. 26), and another oven was used for casting of tools of  metal. Fruits were stored in two storage rooms that are characterised by bins of unfired clay as well as containers of perishable material. In contrast, pithoi of fired clay appear only as individual pieces in these storage rooms or in other houses in the settlement. The pithoi of settlement phase

Figure 26 Pottery kiln of settlement phase 1b at Aigeira in Achaea (photo: T. Rémer; © OAT) Pl: Eva Alram-Stern; project staff: Mario Borner Excavations in the sett Achaia have revealed 12" and early 11™ cen ury BCE. ement at Aigeira on the coast of the Corinthian Gulf in the ancient region an important phase covering the Mycenaean post-palatial period of the Excavations have taken place from 1975 until 1981 under the auspices of the Austrian Archaeological Institute (director: Wilhelm Alzinger). E. Alram-Stern has been working on the publica palatial habitation on t the analysis of the stra he acropo ion of the stratigraphy and architecture of the Mycenaean post- is of Aigeira that will be presented in a single volume. In 2017, igraphic units have produced a stratigraphic matrix that allows drawing a detailed picture of the three Mycenaean settlement phases. Especially settlement phase 1b (Late Helladic HIC Early — Developed ated within the settlement and were closely connected to houses of craftsmen. An updraft kiln may be interpreted as pottery ki ) has left significant remains. Workshops were apparently situ- n (Fig. 26), and another oven was used for casting of tools of metal. Fruits were stored in two storage rooms that are characterised by bins of unfired clay as well as containers of perishable material. In contrast, pithoi of fired clay appear only as individual pieces in these storage rooms or in other houses in the settlement. The pithoi of settlement phase