Table 5 Source: Harvard Policy Group (2001). Table 5. Traditional budgeting and budgeting for ICT investments
Related Figures (6)
ness and other agencies. In the back-office, the internal objective of e-government in [Table 3. Factors impeding an enabling e-government environment in developing countries Source: United Nations, DPEPA, ASPA ‘Benchmarking e-government: a global perspective—assessing the UN Member States’, 2002, at p 22 Table 4. Government IT budgets for developed and developing countries Table 6. Information and communication technology situations in six developing countries Correlation of Internet VS penetration (based on 20 hours of monthly net access) Source: CIOL Enterprise Connect (CIOL) ‘Seven years of Internet in India—reliving the incumbency factor’, 2002, website: 102090501.asp. Table 7. Correlation of Internet access and penetration: cost of access Source: ‘Synthesis’ (Approaches in Electronic Authentication Legislation; available from Table 8. Three approaches to electronic authentication