the payoffs in the last 4 cells are not determinate and depend on the strategy chosen by the players from each population (the 4 vectors of payoff are possible,  since both strategies are rationalisable for both players). There exist 4+ = 256 pos- sible heuristics subgames, according to whether each type CD and DC from each population cooperates or defects with CD and DC types from the other population. We can then notice that, in the different subgames, only two pure strategy Nash equilibria are possible: {DD; DD} (for any subgame) and {CD;CD} (in the sub- games in which CD cooperates with CD, and either DC cooperates with CD or CD defects with DC).  PMB is therefore as-if evolutionary stable in the replicator dynamics described in  Consider now the PD discussed above: in section 7.2, we explicitly excluded the possible cases for which there was not a unique equilibrium for a given set of reply unctions. We can now also treat the cases of equilibrium non-uniqueness. Recall that 4 reply functions in pure strategies are available to the players, CC, DD, CD and DC. The problematic cases concerns the interaction of CD and DC types: when two CD or two DC met, there exist two pure strategy Nash equilibria, whereas the  interaction of a CD type with a DC type does not have any pure strategy equilibrium.  n all cases we can however notice that we have for both players C;(R) = {C; D}, ice.  that they can all rationalise the choice of one of the two available pure strategies.  The general payoff matrix for each heuristics subgame is the following:  The general payoff matrix for each heuristics subgame is the following:

Table 2 the payoffs in the last 4 cells are not determinate and depend on the strategy chosen by the players from each population (the 4 vectors of payoff are possible, since both strategies are rationalisable for both players). There exist 4+ = 256 pos- sible heuristics subgames, according to whether each type CD and DC from each population cooperates or defects with CD and DC types from the other population. We can then notice that, in the different subgames, only two pure strategy Nash equilibria are possible: {DD; DD} (for any subgame) and {CD;CD} (in the sub- games in which CD cooperates with CD, and either DC cooperates with CD or CD defects with DC). PMB is therefore as-if evolutionary stable in the replicator dynamics described in Consider now the PD discussed above: in section 7.2, we explicitly excluded the possible cases for which there was not a unique equilibrium for a given set of reply unctions. We can now also treat the cases of equilibrium non-uniqueness. Recall that 4 reply functions in pure strategies are available to the players, CC, DD, CD and DC. The problematic cases concerns the interaction of CD and DC types: when two CD or two DC met, there exist two pure strategy Nash equilibria, whereas the interaction of a CD type with a DC type does not have any pure strategy equilibrium. n all cases we can however notice that we have for both players C;(R) = {C; D}, ice. that they can all rationalise the choice of one of the two available pure strategies. The general payoff matrix for each heuristics subgame is the following: The general payoff matrix for each heuristics subgame is the following: