FIGURE 2. Warszewiczella lipscombiae flower and pollinator. (a) Flower front view. (b) Flower side view. (c) Primary pollinator, Eulaema meriana with a pollinarium attached to the back of his head. (d) Longitudinal cut away to show position of E. meriana as it extends its proboscis into the false nectary spur. The head is in position to deposit pollinia on the stigma and extract a new pollinarium load as it exists the flower. Illustration by Arlee Montalvo. Reproduced with permission from Wiley: the Botanical Society of America (Ackerman, 1983b).

Figure 2 Warszewiczella lipscombiae flower and pollinator. (a) Flower front view. (b) Flower side view. (c) Primary pollinator, Eulaema meriana with a pollinarium attached to the back of his head. (d) Longitudinal cut away to show position of E. meriana as it extends its proboscis into the false nectary spur. The head is in position to deposit pollinia on the stigma and extract a new pollinarium load as it exists the flower. Illustration by Arlee Montalvo. Reproduced with permission from Wiley: the Botanical Society of America (Ackerman, 1983b).