Table 1. Ram position details of the motion segments this study. In analysis level of service, the quality of service is determined by calculating the pedestrian speed, the area per pedestrian's foot and the pedestrian area by calculating the width of the existing pedestrian's way. It also identifies the transport contexts and status of the streets, other characteristics and identity of the infrastructure status analyzed on the street. There are standards for pedestrian and vehicle traffic, intersections and traffic lights and pedestrian transit in the HCM (Highway Capacity Manual, 2010) (Table 1). Figure 1. Location of Study Area The main material of this study, consist of Tesvikiye end Rumeli streets of Sisli district in Istanbul which is the most crowded city of Turkey and which has various functions such as trade, housing, education, where daily flow of pedestrian and vehicles is intense. The Sisli District, which is within the scope of the study area, is located in the northern part of the Beyoglu plateau flat, on the European side of Istanbul and west of the Bosphorus (Figure 1.) The district has an area of 34,98 km? and a population of 314,684 [17]. There is a large number of historical monuments, shops, modern trade centers, culture and arts centers in Sisli. Sisli district is divided into two parts in 1987. The north group consists of Ayazaga, Maslak and Huzur neighborhoods, the rest of the neighborhoods consist of other group. These two groups are connected to each other by Butyiikdere, Rumeli streets between Tesvikiye and Halaskargazi Streets. There are numerous shops along the street, and it is connected to Valikonagi and Tesvikiye streets. Figure 2. Occupancy-Emptiness Analysis in1946,1966 and Until the middle of 19th century Sisl was not a settlement area. During the spreading of Istanbul to the north and north-east, the settlement areas stretched to Sisli. The extension of the tram line has caused rapid development and construction. After the 19th century, the settlement was especially increased around Halaskargazi Street and Nisantasi, Tesvikiye and new constructions started. In the 1950s, the condominium ownership act started the restructuring process. The old buildings of 1-2 floors were replaced by multi-storey apartments. After 1960, the district gained an identity, with the surrounding neighborhoods, where passages, exclusive shops, businesses, banks, trade, business and entertainment ives. In the 1980s, Halaskargazi, Rumeli and Valikonagi Streets became the most popular shopping centers of stanbul (Figure 1, 2). Table 2.Closeness Analysis Figure 3. Occupancy-Emptiness Analysis of Rumeli, Tesvikiye, Valikonagi Streets in 2016 It was determined that 34% of the entrance floor uses and 22% of the first floor use were the stores (clothes-shoes). In parallel with Rumeli Caddesi, which is located area, the density of shops selling wholesale fabrics was determined for the entrance floor and Ist floor usage (Figures 6a, 6b, 6c). The availability of many functions in the study area, especially the trading function, pedestrian comfort level, vigorous and active in terms of positive contribution is provided (Figure 5.). Figure 5. Multiple Use of Rumeli Street