Figure 4 Schematic of an example CM (source: CERTS).
Related Figures (17)
figure 1. The microgrid laboratory facilities at ISET (source: ISET). A follow-up project titled More Microgrids: Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids within the 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) was funded at €8.5 million, and is in progress. This second consortium, again led by NTUA, comprises manufactur- ers, including Siemens, ABB, SMA, ZIV, I-Power, Anco, figure 3. Washing with the Sun encouraged customers to shift loads to high solar generation periods (source: MVV Energie) figure 5. Layout of the Dolan Technology Center CM test bed june 2006) (source: CERTS). figure 6. Prime movers and associated power electronics at Dolan (source: CERTS). figure 9. GE MEM framework (source: GE Global Research). unique characteristics of the CM are that it may contain three- phase (three-, four-, and/or five-wire systems), single-phase (two- and/or three-wire), and two-circuit secondary circuits (three- and/or four-wire) systems, and a variety of sources interconnected by power electronic devices employing differ- ent control approaches. Existing analysis methods are not ade- quate for analyzing microgrids like the CM, and consequently /AGrid has been developed with the capability of performing all the necessary electrical analysis needed to design microgrids. Grid captures all of the key physical phenomena of three-, four-, or five-wire circuits, involving both three-phase and sin- gle-phase circuits, while loads can be simulated in direct-phase quantities using physically based models. The modeling approach enables analysis of a variety of issues particularly rel- evant to microgrids, such as prediction and evaluation of imbalances, asymmetries, evaluation of derating due to imbal- ances and asymmetries, estimation of stray voltages and ground potential rise, etc., as well as dynamic interaction of the various components and their effect on system stability, gener- ation-load control (frequency control), and dynamic voltage (VAR control). Predicting stray voltages and currents as well as ground potential rise of neutrals and safety grounds are of para- mount safety importance since microgrids may be installed in a dispersed manner across publicly accessible areas. A key dynamic analysis problem concerns the design and control algorithms of power electronic interfaces (converters), for which possibilities are numerous. juGrid includes some typical control schemes and capability for modeling additional schemes that may be introduced by DERs manufacturers. figure 8. Optimal equipment results under carbon emissions constraints (source: Berkeley Lab). figure 10. Overview of the Aomori project (source: Y. Fujioka, et. al., 2006, in further reading). figure 12. System configuration of the Sendai demonstration project (source: K. Hirose et. al., 2006, in further reading). figure 13. Ramea integrated wind-diesel project (source: CANMET). figure 14. Fortis-Alberta grid-tied microgrid (source: CANMET). figure 15. BC Hydro Boston Bar microgrid (source: CANMET). figure 16. HQ distribution system for planned islanding site (source: Hydro Québec).