Figure 4. Variation in the coefficient (8) of the relationship between species richness and carbon among 0.04ha subplots within 266 1 ha plots. Coefficients come from multiple regression models also containing the number of stems as a second-order polynomial term to allow for a saturating relationship. Coefficients from plots in South America are shown in green, Africa in orange and Asia in purple. Mean values of coefficients  are shown in the inset, with error bars showing 95% confidence intervals derived from 10000 bootstrap resamples (with replacement) of the dataset, with asterisks denoting significant differences from zero (one- sample Wilcoxon test, **P < 0.01, *P< 0.05). Across all plots, doubling species richness in 0.04 ha subplots increased carbon by 6.9%. The horizontal line in the inset and bold vertical line in the main figure show where coefficients = 0. 8 is in units of In(Mg.ha~! carbon) per In(tree species).

Figure 4 Variation in the coefficient (8) of the relationship between species richness and carbon among 0.04ha subplots within 266 1 ha plots. Coefficients come from multiple regression models also containing the number of stems as a second-order polynomial term to allow for a saturating relationship. Coefficients from plots in South America are shown in green, Africa in orange and Asia in purple. Mean values of coefficients are shown in the inset, with error bars showing 95% confidence intervals derived from 10000 bootstrap resamples (with replacement) of the dataset, with asterisks denoting significant differences from zero (one- sample Wilcoxon test, **P < 0.01, *P< 0.05). Across all plots, doubling species richness in 0.04 ha subplots increased carbon by 6.9%. The horizontal line in the inset and bold vertical line in the main figure show where coefficients = 0. 8 is in units of In(Mg.ha~! carbon) per In(tree species).