Hot ee aia * Sail se fhe C'EST, EIS Abstract—Data migration is one of the vital tasks of Data integration process. It is always assumed to be most tedious as there will never be a systematic defined procedure. Each migration process is to be treated as unique as the input data sets will be different and the output format required is always unique based on the services provided as well as the user and data handler requirements. In the recent years data migration became the most vital process in various departments of public and private services due to technological advancements and big d ndling requirements caused by the increase in acquired data volume. This paper discusses about data migration requirement, data migration strate miaqaration nrocecc diccuccian of aach ctage and why comnileta auntamation of data mi '. cihle atc. Fig-1 goals of data migration Data migration is generally of a production chain are modifi then data migration is to applications. Then it is migration. In case of d two types. When applications of ed to meet customer requirement, be carried out to support such called application driven data atabase driven data migration, requirement of applications does not change but the bulk of the data or the contents of the data may change to cater the customer needs better. In that case in addition to data migration applications upgradation is also to be carried out to support such data format and content changes. Migration Strategy Nagamani Maddipatla al. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 1, Issue 3, December 2014, pp. 95-100 Migration strategy is one of the vital factors of successful data migration process. Generally 2 types of strategies are in use. Fig-4Data migration generic flow chart a... is the generic flow chart of the migration process. It ins basically three steps each of which further contain multiple tasks. - if an intermediate platform is used with similar eStination database to migrate each data source, migration process will become much simpler and fast. Below is the block diagram of a middleware which allows data import, cleanup, correction and validation. Pig / DLVCK Ulagl ail UL HHUUICW ale Vastu HUT aAuUOrL Following are the advantages observed during middleware oased data migration ND ND NIE ND DBE ———_—— Below is the sample data after migration and verified with respect to Google Earth raster data. If this level of verification is done then the percentage of failure can be very minimal.