United Nations Development Programme Another expression of this has five dimensions to illustrate development as Note: Circles are proportional to population. 50% of the world’s population. To remove poverty at the Minimum EPL level, the share of the world’s output that these poor consume would need to increase by 70%. Yet this is still only a poverty gap of 5% of global consumption. of the EPL are huge. For example, the cost of removing ethical poverty today (conservatively based on the Minimum EPL line) would be comparable to an additional global tax of 30% on all consumption above US median levels. As a tax levied on anyone, anywhere in the world, it would affect 6% of world population, including half the US population and one in three people in the UK. If we wanted to remove ethical poverty at the higher Global EPL level, this tax would extend to four-fifths of the US population and almost three- quarters of the UK population.