Figure 6 , Eagar Degas, Woman with a Towel, 1894 or 1898. Pastel on cream-colored wove paper with red
Related Figures (23)
Fig. 5, Edgar Degas, After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself, ca. 1895. Pastel on paper. The Courtauld
Fig. 8, Eagar Degas, Woman Combing Her Hair, ca. 1887-90. Charcoal and red chalk on tracing paper.
Fig. 12, Stephane Mallarme, “Un Coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard” (A Dice Throw Never Will
‘ig. 6, Edgar Degas, Woman with a Towel, 1894 or 1898. Pastel on cream-colored wove paper with red
Fig. 7, Edgar Degas, After the Bath, Woman Drying Her Feet, ca. 1900. Charcoal, charcoal wash, and
Abolish Chance) (Paris: Nouvelle Revue Francaise, 1914), 18-19. Artwork in the public domain;